Representatives From Deloitte's Technology Fast 50 Program to Ring the NASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell


 Representatives from Deloitte's Technology Fast 50 Program will
 preside over the Closing Bell. Top performing companies from Maryland
 and Virginia will be in attendance.

 The Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Program honors the 50 fastest-growing
 technology, media, telecommunications, and biotech companies in
 their respective region based on percentage revenue growth over five

 To learn more about Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 and 50 Programs,
 visit or

 NASDAQ MarketSite - 4 Times Square - 43rd & Broadway - Broadcast Studio

 Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 3:45 - 4:00 p.m. ET

 S. Mei Acuna
 Marketing Associate

 NASDAQ MarketSite:
 Jolene Libretto

Feed Information:

The Closing Bell is available from 3:50 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. on AMC-3/C-3 (ul 5985V; dl 3760H). The feed can also be found on Ascent fiber 1623. If you have any questions, please contact Jolene Libretto at (646) 441-5220.

Radio Feed:

An audio transmission of the Closing Bell is also available from 3:50 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. on uplink IA6 C band / transponder 24, downlink frequency 4180 horizontal. The feed can be found on Ascent fiber 1623 as well.


A live webcast of the NASDAQ Closing Bell will be available at:


To obtain a hi-resolution photograph of the Market Close, please go to and click on the market close of your choice.

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The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. is the world's largest exchange company. It delivers trading, exchange technology and public company services across six continents, and with over 3,900 companies, it is number one in worldwide listings among major markets. NASDAQ OMX offers multiple capital raising solutions to companies around the globe, including its U.S. listings market; the OMX Nordic Exchange, including First North; and the 144A PORTAL Market. The company offers trading across multiple asset classes including equities, derivatives, debt, commodities, structured products and ETFs. NASDAQ OMX technology supports the operations of over 60 exchanges, clearing organizations and central securities depositories in more than 50 countries. OMX Nordic Exchange is not a legal entity but describes the common offering from NASDAQ OMX exchanges in Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Iceland, Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius. For more information about NASDAQ OMX, visit