DGAP-IRE: Your Family Entertainment AG: Interim report in accordance with § 37x of the German Securities'Trading Law ('WpHG') for the second half of 2008

Your Family Entertainment AG / Release of an announcement according to Article 37x of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act]


Interim report according to Article 37x of the WpHG

Development of the business:
Your Family Entertainment AG's (YFE) business development during financial
year 2008 continued to be heavily influenced by the expansion of the
company's distribution activities.

Your Family Entertainment AG's sales during the period from January 1st to
October 31st 2008 were KEUR 1,719 (2007: KEUR 1,227); including business
invoiced in November 2008, sales up to an including the date of this
interim announcement (14.11.2008) increased to approximately KEUR 4,700.
The total sales achieved in the financial year 2007 (KEUR 1,514) had by the
reporting date therefore been exceeded by approximately 210 % (KEUR 3,186).

The income situation is up to our expectations. 

The capital increase carried out in March 2008 with gross issuing proceeds
of EUR 3,261,968.00 and the cash flow generated by normal business
operations has led to a considerable increase in liquid funds by the
reporting date.

Outlook für the financial year 2008:
Based on the restructuring carried out and the positive results achieved in
2007, 2008 will also be characterised by limited risk growth.

The optimisation of distribution channels and the establishment of the
'Your Family Entertainment' brand continue to play a key role in the
company's future development.

The first steps in this direction have already been taken with the
establishment of the pay-TV channel 'yourfamilyentertainment' and its own
DVD label.

Since November 2008 'yourfamilyentertainment' can also be viewed in
Unitymedia's newly introduced programme package 'Digital TV Kinder'
(children's digital TV). Negotiations are currently taking place with other
possible partners.

The termination of the distribution cooperation agreement with
EM.Entertainment GmbH opens opportunities for Your Family Entertainment AG
to re-enter the market with its whole portfolio. In October 2008 YFE was
represented at the internationally-oriented MIPCOM which, according to its
organisers, is the largest industrial fair and conference in the world
dealing with content creation, co-production, purchasing, sales, financing
and the distribution of entertainment programmes on all platforms and was
able to conclude its first deals under its own name.

Due to the company's current commercial development, prospects with respect
to its financing, asset and earnings situation in the financial year 2008
remain positive.

Auditors' review and statements regarding the future:
This interim report has neither been audited in accordance with § 317 of
the German Commercial Code (HGB) nor has it been subject to review by the
auditors of the annual financial statements.

This interim report also contains statements relating to the future which
are based on the management's current evaluation of future developments.

Such statements are subject to uncertainties and risks which are beyond the
influence of Your Family Entertainment AG.

Should such uncertainties or risks occur, or should the assumptions on
which these future-oriented statements are based prove to be incorrect, the
actual results could differ considerably from results explicitly stated or
implicitly contained in these statements. Your Family Entertainment AG
neither intends nor does it assume a particular obligation to update
statements relating to the future in order to adjust them in accordance
with events or developments occurring after the date of this interim

Munich, November 14th 2008

Your Family Entertainment AG
The Board of Management

Dr. Stefan Piëch

Your Family Entertainment AG:
Your Family Entertainment AG, Munich, belongs to the most long-established
companies in Germany both in the production and in the licensing of
entertainment programmes for children, young people and families.

Everyday and trendsetting technologies, like IPTV, VoD and DVB-H are used
as transmission media.

The own children and family channel 'yourfamilyentertainment' shows
animated series and exciting adventure films with interesting and
well-known characters, like Urmel, Fix & Foxi, Tobias Totz, Dragon Hunters,
Enid Blyton and many more. The programme encompasses choices of an
educational nature for pre-school children, top quality animated series for
children, right the way up to entertaining programmes for the whole family.
Thereby Your Family Entertainment, which used to trade under the name RTV
Family Entertainment AG and has its origins in the Ravensburger AG, above
all focuses on top quality programmes for the whole family.

Your Family Entertainment AG is quoted in the regulated market on the
Frankfurt stock exchange (WKN: 540 891/ISIN: DE 000540 8918, abbr.: RTV).

Board of Management:− Dr. Stefan Piëch 

Supervisory Board:− Dr. Hans-Sebastian Graf von Wallwitz (Chairman)− Johannes Thun-Hohenstein (Deputy Chairman)− Dr. Andreas Aufschnaiter
Registered Office: Munich 
Register Court: Munich HRB 164992 

Your Family Entertainment AG
Michael Huber
Nordendstraße 64
80801 München

Telefon:  +49 (0)89 99 72 71 - 0
Telefax:  +49 (0)89 99 72 71 - 91
Email:    ir@yfe-ag.de
Internet: www.yf-e.com

DGAP 14.11.2008 
Language:     English
Issuer:       Your Family Entertainment AG
              Nordendstr. 64
              80801 München
Internet:     www.yf-e.com
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