Meet the Waco Kid -- New Memoir Reveals Just How Cheeky a Little Texan Can Get

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 15, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Looking back on one's childhood would always evoke funny memories and consequent laughter. The more impish one's childhood, the funnier the memories. Helen Lewison treads along this very line as she shares growing up in a small Texan town in her funny anecdotal memoir, The Waco Kid(s): Barefoot Girl With Cheek.

Lewison gives us a glimpse of who she had once been and perhaps a little of who she is now as she recalls in vivid detail the many antics of a five-year-old blossoming in impish innocence. The voice of her young self showing through, she narrates her memories in the unique perceptiveness and order of thinking that only a child would possess. She remembers various minutiae of her early life, like her father telling her mother he was taking the streetcar going home, softened apples for winter, and the layout of her circa 1800s home.

As well, Lewison showed just why she is the barefoot girl with cheek. She provides a host of thoroughly entertaining stories, like her boiling fury over a pink birthday cake while in front of her guests, her utter disgust over being given a doll (she preferred her orange cat by a million miles), and declaring to her neighbors that her parents got her from a doctor in a big brown suitcase. Unapologetically candid yet endearing, little Helen will steal the hearts of readers for laughter just as impishly as she tried to fry eggs on the sidewalk beneath the hot summer sun. For more information, log on to

About the Author

Helen Lewison wrote The Waco Kid(s) to appease her inner child's desire to have a say. Seduction of Silence, her first book published in February 2000, was a journal she begun to alleviate her grief over her husband's death. Helen lives in San Francisco on a hill overlooking the city.

                 The Waco Kid(s) * by Helen Lewison
                      Barefoot Girl With Cheek
                  Publication Date: August 8, 2000
         Trade Paperback; $8.50; 100 pages; 978-0-7388-2637-0

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