Profit announcement for the third quarter of 2008 and the nine months ended 30 September 2008

Netop Solutions is building a strong platform for future growth and earnings    

Netop Solutions is in the midst of comprehensive changes focused on building its
future business around the three core business areas, Administration, Education 
and Communication. All three areas are undergoing changes of significant        
importance to the company's future revenue growth and the efforts to restore its
profitability. The acquisition of GenevaLogic has made Netop the largest player 
in the Education segment and the distributor agreement with Medianet and the    
acquisition of Medianet's Romanian development company has given Netop access to
a high-growth market.  Netop's Go to Market Model is being further developed,   
product development is being optimised and the internal systems and processes   
are being upgraded. Management expects these changes to substantially improve   
the company's profitability in 2009.                                            

Q3 revenue was DKK 24.7m and 9M revenue was DKK 64.7m (DKK 15.2m in Q3 2007 and 
DKK 67.3m in 9M 2007). Revenue from the original Netop products rose by 4% in Q3
relative to the year-earlier period and revenue in the Education segment is also

EBITDA was a loss of DKK 14.0m in Q3 and a loss of DKK 32.5m for the 9M period  
(DKK 13.0m loss in Q3 2007 and DKK 9.1m loss in 9M 2007).                       

Netop Solutions incurred a net loss of DKK 16.6m in Q3 and DKK 31.7m in 9M 2008 
(DKK 10.2m loss in Q3 2007 and DKK 9.1m loss in 9M 2007). GenevaLogic           
contributed a profit of DKK 1.5m in Q3.                                         

The intensive focus on sales continues and we are working to implement a sales  
model in which Netop Solutions' own companies handle the primary sales contact  
to the largest customers, whereas sales to small and medium-sized companies are 
mainly handled through the Netop Solutions business partner organisation.       

In July 2008, Netop Solutions acquired Swiss software provider GenevaLogic, one 
of Netop Solutions' largest competitors in the Education segment. In addition,  
Netop Solutions signed an exclusive distributor agreement with the company      
Medianet, which has developed a leading unified communication technology.       

Netop Solutions pursued an ambitious product release plan in the third quarter, 
resulting in the on-time launch of a number of products at the end of the third 
quarter and the beginning of the fourth quarter.                                

Based on the 9M performance and the outlook for the fourth quarter, the profit  
guidance for 2008 is downgraded. Revenue is now expected to be approximately DKK
100m against the previous forecast of some DKK 110m, and EBITDA is expected to  
be a loss of around DKK 25m (including expected non-recurring income of DKK 12m 
before tax from a planned sale of Netop Solutions' property) against the        
previous forecast of a loss of approximately DKK 10m.                           

Management expects the acquisitions, implementation of the new sales model,     
optimisation of business procedures and achievement of additional synergies to  
trigger a significant revenue increase and improved profitability in 2009.      


|            Kurt Bager             |    |        Claus Finderup Grove         |
|                CEO                |    |                 CFO                 |
|       E-mail:       |    |        E-mail:        |
|        Tel. +45 45 902 525        |    |         Tel. +45 45 902 525         |


kf announcement _no 24_profit announcement q3_9m_2008_18_11_2008.pdf