NeuroSearch presents remarkable findings from the company's extensive portfolio of ion channel modulators in neuropathic pain

Investor News

NeuroSearch presents remarkable findings from the company's extensive portfolio
of ion channel modulators in neuropathic pain 

- At the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for NeuroScience

NeuroSearch announces the presentation of outstanding preclinical data from the
company's extensive drug discovery programmes in the field of GABA modulators
and neuronal nicotinic receptor modulators (NNR modulators) for the treatment
of neuropathic pain. The findings have been presented at the 38th Annual
Meeting of the Society for NeuroScience (SfN), held this week from 15th - 19th
November in Washington DC, United States, putting NeuroSearch at the forefront
of the quest to find new and better analgesic drugs. 

In the GABA field, NeuroSearch scientists have discovered that subtype
selective GABA receptor modulators, exemplified by the compound NS11394,
completely reverse inflammatory and neuropathic pain-like behaviours in animal
models after oral administration. These findings are remarkable, since similar
compounds, acting on the GABA ion channel complex without subtype selectivity,
have shown either no effect, or poor analgesic effects that are severely
compromised by significant side effects including sedation and motor
disturbance. In contrast, NeuroSearch's subtype selective GABA modulators are
very well tolerated. 

In the nicotinic field, NeuroSearch together with its collaborator Abbott has
developed several subtype selective compounds including ABT-894 for the
treatment of neuropathic pain. The first published preclinical efficacy data
for ABT-894 concludes that the increased subtype selectivity of ABT-894
translates to efficacy in multiple models of neuropathic pain and cognition,
with an improved therapeutic index in relation to emesis and CNS-mediated side
effects. Importantly, whereas analgesic efficacy of ABT-894 is maintained after
repeated dosing, CNS side effects disappear.  Abbott currently has ABT-894 in
Phase IIb clinical development in neuropathic pain as well as in ADHD
(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In the Phase IIb study in pain,
patient enrolment has been completed. 

Jørgen Drejer, Executive Vice President and Director of Drug Discovery in
NeuroSearch, comments: 
“These remarkable data on selected compounds from our ion channel programmes
presented at the SfN meeting addresses wholly new concepts of pain management.
Both our GABA and our NNR modulators provide potentially higher efficacy and
safety compared to existing neuropathic pain therapy, thus representing new
major opportunities in this vast and growing medicinal market in dire need of
better treatment.” 

Selected presentations on NeuroSearch ion channel compounds at SfN 2008:

•	The subtype selective GABAA receptor positive modulator NS11394 reverses
inflammatory and neuropathic pain like behaviours in animal models of
injury-induced central sensitisation. Munro et al. 

•	NS11394, a unique subtype-selective GABAA receptor positive allosteric
modulator: In vitro actions, pharmacokinetic properties and in-vivo anxiolytic
efficacy. Mirza et al. 

•	ABT-894, a novel neuronal nicotinic receptor (NNR) agonist exhibiting
enhanced selectivity for the a4b2 subtype. Surowy et al. 

•	ABT-894, a neuronal nicotinic receptor (NNR) agonist, with an improved
therapeutic window in preclinical models of neuropathic pain vs.
gastrointestinal (GI) and CNS side effects. Reuter et al. 

Contact persons:

Jørgen Drejer, Executive Vice President, Director of Drug Discovery, telephone:
+45 4460 8236 or +45 2028 9705 

Hanne Leth Hillman Vice President, Director of IR & Corporate Communications,
telephone: +45 4460 8212 or +45 4017 5103 

Facts on neuropathic pain 
Neuropathic pain is a type of chronic pain caused by nerve cell damage
associated with trauma and other injuries, surgery, viral infection, CNS and
metabolic disorders (mainly diabetes), chemotherapy and tumour infiltration.
Hence, sub-indications of neuropathic pain include the following; neuropathic
back pain, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathy, neuropathic cancer pain, complex
regional pain syndrome, HIV/AIDS neuropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia, phantom
limb pain, spinal cord injury and trigeminal neuralgia. 

Between 1.5 percent and 7.7 percent of people are believed to be affected by
neuropathic pain in the United States and in European countries, respectively.
E.g. there are an estimated 3.5 million people in Germany (6%) and 3 million in
the United Kingdom (7.5%) suffering from neuropathic pain. However, it is a
syndrome that often is under-diagnosed and under-treated. 

Nerve pain frequently results in a burning, tingling and shock-like sensation
and it is a condition often puzzling and frustrating for patients and
physicians, as it seems to respond poorly to standard pain therapies.
Neuropathic pain can also can last indefinitely, escalate over time and result
in disability. The symptoms of neuropathic pain can be mild to incapacitating
and are often progressive. Treatments may include antidepressants, opioids,
NSAIDs and anticonvulsants, however, only a few are approved for the treatment
of neuropathic pain, and significant unmet needs remain. 

NeuroSearch - Company profile
NeuroSearch (NEUR) is a Scandinavian biopharmaceutical company listed on Nasdaq
OMX Copenhagen. The company's core business covers the development of novel
drugs, based on a broad and well-established drug discovery platform focusing
on ion channels and CNS disorders. A substantial share of its activities is
partner financed through a broad alliance with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and
collaborations with, among others, Abbott and Astellas. NeuroSearch's drug
pipeline comprises 14 clinical (Phase I-III) development programmes: ACR16 for
Huntington's disease (Phase III), tesofensine for obesity and in Type 2
diabetes (Phase III in preparation), NS2359 for depression (Phase II) and ADHD
(Phase II) in partnership with GSK, ABT-894 for ADHD (Phase II) and pain (Phase
II) in partnership with Abbott, ACR16 for schizophrenia (Phase I) in
partnership with Astellas, ACR325 for Parkinson's disease (Phase II in
preparation) and bipolar disorder (Phase II in preparation), ABT-107 and
ABT-560 for the treatment of various CNS disorders - both (Phase I) in
collaboration with Abbott, NSD-644 for pain (Phase I) in partnership with GSK,
ACR343 for Parkinson's disease (Phase I) and NSD-788 for anxiety/depression
(Phase I). In addition, NeuroSearch has a broad portfolio of preclinical drug
candidates and holds equity interests in several biotech companies.


presse.11-08 - sfn presentations - uk.pdf