VINX Index Information: Adjustment of VINX30 index due to the rights issue in Swedbank (55/08)

The following information is based on a press release from Swedbank dated October 27, 2008. The Board of Swedbank has resolved to raise capital through a new issue of preference shares with preferential subscription rights for existing shareholders. Two (2) ordinary shares in Swedbank entitle the owner to one (1) new preference share in Swedbank at a subscription price of SEK 48. Swedbanks intention is to list the preference shares on the Nordic Exchange in January 2009. 

The adjustment described below is based on the official information published by Swedbank and is conditioned by the approval on the Extraordinary General Meeting on November 25. The adjustment can be subject to change if new information arises.
Due to Swedbank’s rights issue, the Nasdaq OMX will adjust Swedbank Ser. A (SE0000242455) in accordance to the “Rules for the Construction and Maintenance of the VINX All-Share, Sector and Benchmark and Tradable IndicesIndices”, rule 5.1.

On the Ex date November 26, 2008 a fixed price, which is based on the closing price (last traded price) the day before the Ex date, is set for Swedbank Ser. A. On the day after the Ex date, start price for Swedbank Ser. A will be closing price on the Ex date.  

The number of shares for Swedbank Ser. A in VINX30 index is unaffected.

