IT – As of December 1, NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, Helsinki, Iceland and Stockholm introduce some new functions (102/08)

Price Deviation on the Fixed Income Markets

As of Dec 1 a price check function that informs or cancels auction bid orders that deviate from a certain threshold value, set by the user, will be implemented. 
The setting changes are made by the user in the SAXESS Trade Client under menu: Tools/Settings/Market and in the Deviation tab. A value is entered stating the upper and lower limit of the price deviation check. The settings are made on submarket level.
This new function is required by Swedish National Debt Office (SNDO or Swedish Riksgälden) and is implemented to reduce the risk of the "fat finger" syndrome. 

The function is available in the external test system SAXTST1 and SAXTST3.
New Submarkets introduced on the OMX HEL Fixed Income Markets
As of Dec 1, two new submarkets OMX HEL Structured Products Retail and OMX HEL Structured Products Tailor-Made will be introduced. 
The new submarkets are created to improve transparency and as a step in the harmonization between the Helsinki, Stockholm, and Copenhagen Fixed Income Markets.
From Dec 1, there will be no order books residing in these submarkets. Future listing of structured products on these submarkets will be published through regular information channels.

The function is available in the external test system SAXTST1 and SAXTST3.
Please download the attached file for more information

