Events in Life Remembered in I Forgot to Get Old -- One Woman's Journey to a Meaningful Life

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Nov. 25, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Take a trip down memory lane as Helen Lewison shares with you snapshots of her life and creates a book bound to entertain and inspire you. I Forgot to Get Old is her experiences compiled in one great book.

A recollection of childhood and life in general, this book takes you to the world of Helen Lewison as reminiscence of events invades each page. Important and unimportant things take shape through her poetry and essays that are both humorous and inspiring. It will give you a glimpse of how she struggled, being alone after her husband died. From wearing a black dress on her wedding day to meeting all kinds of personalities in a cruise ship, this read will surely amuse you with real life situations written in every page.

"This is a book of recollections of childhood; reminiscences of events important and unimportant in the scheme of things, poetry (humorous) or otherwise, essays on life in general and mine in particular. A random walk through my life story, stopping now and then to laugh, to cry, to remember and most of all to look back and say, "Hey, look at me I'm still dancing." -- Helen Lewison

As this volume takes you to a random walk though Lewison's life story, take time to laugh, cry and remember and most of all look back of how your own life has been.

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About the Author

Once upon a time a little girl was born in Waco, Texas. Many years later she moved to San Francisco, and a whole new world opened to her; North Beach, poetry readings, coffee houses, and the flotsam and jetsam of wannabe artists, and writers. Life became a colorful canopy she had never envisioned before. This too ended and another life began; a marriage, responsibilities associated with marriage, still beautiful, and still colorful but never as stimulating to the younger fringe beatnik who lived in the enchanted world of San Francisco's North Beach. After her husband died, she began writing books, one after the other. Five books later, she's still writing and has a website

                I Forgot to Get Old * by Helen Lewison
                  Publication Date: December 10, 2002
                  Trade Paperback; $21.24; 449 pages;
               978-1-4010-6138-8 Cloth Hardback; $31.49;
                     449 pages; 978-1-4010-6139-5

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