Changes in the Nomination Committee for Technology Nexus AB

Changes in the Nomination Committee for Technology Nexus AB

In connection with Tastsinn AB's sale of all shares in Technology Nexus AB the
following Nomination Committee has been appointed in accordance with the Annual
General Meeting on May 7, 2008.

The following were appointed to the nomination committee:

· Irgens Bergh representing Ponderus Invest
· Magnus Malm representing Magnentus Group
· Sven Rasmusson representing own shares and Raspart AB
· Peter Markborn, Chairman of the Board and convener of the committee meeting

For proposals and questions please contact:

Peter Markborn, Chairman of the Board, Technology Nexus AB

About Nexus

Nexus is a global provider within the information security area. Our business
concept is to make the right information available to the right people, at the
right time, wherever they need it in the world. Our customers are larger
companies and organisations where IT and the Internet are essential in the
handling of vital information and knowledge. For more information please visit
our web site

