Auction 2 December of 30-year bond

On 2 December 2008 the government bond 4.5 per cent Bullet loans 2039 will be
auctioned. Due to continued market demand, the target for the outstanding
amount is increased to DKK 90 billion. 

The sale will commence via MTSDenmark's auction system with primary dealers as
counterparts. The auction depends on stable market conditions. As from the
opening of MTSDenmark bids can be submitted until 10.30 CET. Subsequently a
cut-off price will be fixed as quickly as possi-ble and within 10 minutes at
the latest. Bids at the cut-off price or above will be accommodated at the
cut-off price. A pro-rata allocation of bids at the cut-off price may be
applied. The sale will be settled Friday 5 December. 

Terms of borrowing can be viewed on under Investor

Further information 
For further information please contact Ove Sten Jensen on tel. (+45) 3363 6102.