PST Group - the Results for Nine Months of the Year 2008

Referring to the unaudited data, the group of one of the largest construction
companies in the country, Panevėžio statybos trestas (PST), was on the income
of 472 mln. Litas (137 mln. EUR) for nine months of this year - that is, by
19,7 % higher than for the same period of the last year and gained the
unaudited before-tax profit amounting 24 mln. Litas (7 mln. EUR) - by 20
procents less than for January through September 2007 when the before-tax
profit amounted 30 mln. Litas (8.7 mln. EUR). 

“We can be happy with the results of the PST parent company in finishing the
activities in main sites successfully - Panevėžys Multipurpose Sports Arena,
BIG in Klaipėda and Megrame plant. However, negative changes in the real estate
market had negative effect on the results of our real estate development
company,” says Dalė Bernotaitienė, the Finance Director at Panevėžio statybos
trestas AB . 

The management of the PST Group is in the process of revising the sales
forecast for the year 2008 and the PST Group is going to achieve the turnover
of 550 mln. Litas instead of the previously announced 530 mln. Litas at the
same time making no changes in the forecast of net profit - 23 mln. Litų. 

For more information contact:
Dalė Bernotaitienė
Finance Director
Panevėžio statybos trestas AB
Phone: 8 45 505 507