Vestjysk Bank A/S - removal from the observation list

Vestjysk Bank A/S - removal from the observation list                           

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S has removed the ISIN code below from the observation  
list today:                                                                     

| ISIN                      | Name                                             |
| DK0010304500              | Vestjysk Bank                                    |

Vestjysk Bank has been removed due to the fact that Vestjysk Bank has announced 
that the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority has authorized the merger of    
Vestjysk Bank A/S and Ringkøbing Bank. With this approval all conditions have   
been fulfilled and the merger can be completed.                                 

For further information, please see the announcement of 3 December 2008 from    
Vestjysk Bank.


vestjysk bank - tilbagefrsel uk.pdf