By way of a notification published on 24 November, the shareholders in Central
Asia Gold AB (publ) (below referred to as the "Company") were given notice to
attend an extraordinary general meeting at 3.00 p.m. on 22 December 2008 at the
offices of the law firm Delphi on Regeringsgatan 30-32 in Stockholm, Sweden. 

As previously stated in a press release from the Company on 17 November 2008,
the Company has entered into a final agreement on the sale of 125 000 shares,
corresponding to 12.5 per cent. of the capital and votes in the subsidiary
Kopylovskoye AB, to the minority investors which already owns 25 per cent. of
the shares in this company. Additional information regarding the sale can be
found in the press release from 16 October 2008. One of the acquirers is
Lannion AB, in which one of the board members of Kopylovskoye AB, Ulrika
Hagdahl, has a decisive influence. Hereby, the board of directors of the
Company issues an addendum to the notice to attend which was published on 24
November 2008, in accordance with the following: 

Item 8. Resolution on approval of the transfer of shares to the subsidiary
Kopylovskoye AB 

The board of directors proposes that the general meeting approves the transfer
of 25 000 shares in Kopylovskoye AB to Lannion AB. The main condition for the
transfer is that all 125 000 shares are transferred for a price of SEK 10 000
000, which corresponds to a price per share of SEK 80. 

As a result of the addition of this new item 8, the following amendments are
made to the agenda previously proposed. 


1. Opening of the meeting
2. Election of chairman of the meeting
3. Preparation and approval of the voting register
4. Election of one or two persons to attest the minutes of the meeting
5. Determination of whether the meeting has been duly convened
6. Approval of the agenda
7. Presentation by the managing director
8. Resolution on approval of the transfer of shares to the subsidiary
Kopylovskoye AB 
9. Resolution on amendments to the articles of association
10. Resolution on a reduction in the share capital
11. Resolution on a new share issue 
12. Resolution on a new issue of warrants 
13. Resolution on a distribution of shares in the subsidiary Kopylovskoye AB to
the shareholders 
14. Closure of the meeting

The previous notice published on 24 November 2008 shall continue to apply in
all other respects. 

Stockholm, December 2008 

The Board of Directors

