The UCITS fund Carnegie WorldWide, sub-fund Danske Obligationer Privat and sub-fund Danske Obligationer Erhverv & Pension, transfer to the observation list

|                                      |          Copenhagen, 10 December 2008 |

The UCITS fund Carnegie WorldWide, sub-fund Danske Obligationer Privat and      
sub-fund Danske Obligationer Erhverv & Pension - transfer to the observation    

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has transferred two sub-funds under the UCITS fund        
Carnegie WorldWide to the observation list today:                               

| ISIN              | Order Book ID    | Name                                  |
| DK0060012110      | CAIDKOPR         | Danske Obligationer Privat            |
| DK0016017924      | CAIDKOEP         | Danske Obligationer Erhverv & Pension |

The sub-funds have been transferred due to the fact that the UCITS fund Carnegie
WorldWide has announced, that the management of Carnegie WorldWide as part of a 
continuing evaluation of the UCITS fund's supply of products has decided to     
focus the supply of products and close down the bond-based sub-funds, Danske    
Obligationer Privat and Danske Obligationer Erhverv & Pension.                  

For further information, please see the announcement of 10 December 2008 from   
Carnegie WorldWide.                                                             

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66


carnegie ww - overfrsel af 2 obl.afd - uk.pdf