What is A Naked Singularity? -- Expansive Book Introduces Important New Voice in Fiction

NEW YORK, Dec. 10, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Imagine Crime and Punishment meets A Confederacy of Dunces after Moby-Dick makes the introductions even though, that said, this book is nothing like those three.

When a young New York City public defender suffers his first loss at trial he seeks to reduce the sting of that defeat by using inside information to meticulously plan and execute a heist of illicit millions. But when he comes to the attention of a persistent police detective and unleashes a menacing giant bent on violent revenge, he must outrace these pursuers while navigating a world expanded by theoretical physics to encompass the rise and fall of boxer Wilfred Benitez, Alabama's death row, psych experiments involving Ralph Kramden, and enough comedic energy to power the stars.

Such is the primary plot of A Naked Singularity, an extraordinary novel that deftly creates a pitch-perfect depiction of our criminal justice system and an atypical Latin American family within a panoramic framework of highly comic erudition.

Xlibris proudly releases Sergio De La Pava's debut novel A Naked Singularity.

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                   A Naked Singularity * by Sergio De La Pava
                          Publication Date: 12/02/08
              Trade Paperback; $23.99; 689 pages; 978-1-4363-4198-1
               Cloth Hardback; $34.99; 689 pages; 978-1-4363-4199-8

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