Cancellation of stand-alone auction of 5% 2012 EUR today

At today's auction of 5% 2012 EUR, a market participant placed an incorrect bid
which has subsequently been cancelled. This morning's auction of the ISIN
involved will be repeated with the following auction schedule: 
•	The auction opens for bidding.
•	At 13:00: The auction closes for bidding.
•	At 13.10: Allotment of accepted bids.

ISIN involved:
ISIN:	         Name:	         Currency:
LU039200112-8	5NYKE B 12 nclu	Euro

Other terms:
All other auction terms are unchanged.

Questions regarding the bond sale and technical issues may be addressed to
Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Group Treasury, Lene Kjer Rasmussen, tel +45 44 55 10

Yours sincerely 
Nykredit Realkredit A/S


cancellation of stand-alone auction of 5 2012 eur today - 11.12.2008.pdf