Financial calendar 2009

The Board of Directors for Columbus IT Partner A/S has approved the following
time plan for publication of financial statements in 2009, as well as the date
for the annual general meeting. 

Financial statements 2008   	23 March 2009 
Annual report 2008	                  week 16 2009
Annual general meeting	         27 April 2009
Quarterly report - Q1 2009  	27 April 2009
Interim report              	13 August 2009
Quarterly report - Q1-3 2009	12 November 2009

Ib Kunøe 				Claus E. Hansen
Chairman of the Board		CEO
Columbus IT Partner A/S		Columbus IT Partner A/S

Contact for further details:
CEO, Claus E. Hansen or CFO Heine Thorsgard, T: (+45) 70 20 50 00.

Translation: In the event of any inconsistency between this document and the
Danish language version, the Danish language version shall be the governing

