CORRECTION: Publication of AS Latvijas balzams financial statements in year 2009

The dates when AS Latvijas balzams plans to publish its financial statements in
year 2009 are as follows: 

- unaudited financial statements for 12 months of year 2008 in the 9th week of
year 2009 (by February 27); 
- unaudited financial statements for 3 months of  year 2009 in the 22nd week of
year 2009 (by May 29); 
- unaudited financial statements for 6 months of year 2009 in the 35th week of
year 2009 (by August 28); 
-  unaudited fnancial statements for 9 months of year 2009 in the 48th week of
year 2009 
(by November 27). 
Riga, December 16, 2008
Information prepared by:
Janis Eglons
Financial analyst, AS Latvijas balzams 
phone: 67080617