Notification on the transaction (-s) in issuer's securities concluded by the manager of the issuer

| Annex of the Rules of the notifications on the transactions in issuer's      |
| securities concluded by managers of the issuer                               |

|                         |              15.12.2008 |                          |
|                         |  (date of notification) |                          |

Notification on the transaction (-s) in issuer's securities concluded by the    
manager of the issuer                                                           

| Invalda AB, identification code 121304349 (legal person associated with      |
| president of the Management Board of the issuer Darius Sulnis and with the   |
| member of the Management Board of the issuer Vytautas Bucas)                 |
| (name, surname, personal code and capacity of the notifying person, or the   |
| manager of the issuer, with whom the notifying person is closely associated) |

| Sanitas AB , identification code 1341 36296, Veiveriu str. 134 B, Kaunas,    |
| Lithuania                                                                    |
|                 (name and code of the issuer, its registered office address) |

| Name   | Numb | Pric | Tota | Form  | Type  | Date  | Place | Form  | Catego |
| and    | er   | e of | l    | of    | of    | of    | of    | of    | ry of  |
| class  | of   | secu | valu | trans | trans | concl | the   | settl | the    |
| of the | secu | rite | e of | actio | actio | usion | trans | ement | person |
| securi | riti | s,   | tran | n     | n     | of    | actio |       | **     |
| ty,    | es   | LTL  | sact | (acqu |       | the   | n *   |       |        |
| ISIN   |      |      | ion, | isiti |       | trans |       |       |        |
| code   |      |      | LTL  | on,   |       | actio |       |       |        |
|        |      |      |      | trans |       | n     |       |       |        |
|        |      |      |      | fer)  |       |       |       |       |        |
| Sanita | 196  | 24.2 | 4    | acqui | trans | 10.12 | XOFF  | cash  | 2.4.   |
| s AB,  | 236  | 0    | 748  | sitio | actio | .2008 |       |       |        |
| PVA,   |      |      | 676. | n     | n of  |       |       |       |        |
| LT0000 |      |      | 79   |       | redem |       |       |       |        |
| 106171 |      |      |      |       | ption |       |       |       |        |
|        |      |      |      |       | (repo |       |       |       |        |
|        |      |      |      |       | )     |       |       |       |        |


                              President of Invalda AB Darius Sulnis  (signature)

AUTO - automatically matched trade concluded in the regulated market            
TS - manual trade concluded in the regulated market                             
XOFF - OTC trade                                                                

1. A manager of the issuer (as defined in the item 5.1. of the Rules):          
1.1. Manager of the Company;                                                    
1.2. Member of the Board;                                                       
1.3. Member of the Supervisory Board;                                           
1.4. Other employee.                                                            
2. A person closely related to the manager of the issuer (as defined in the item
5.2. of the Rules):                                                             
2.1. Spouse, partner;                                                           
2.2. Child, foster child;                                                       
2.3. Other person;                                                              
2.4. Legal person.