National Bank of Greece S.A. - deletion

|                                      |          Copenhagen, 19 December 2008 |
National Bank of Greece S.A. - deletion                                         

On the company's request National Bank of Greece S.A. will be deleted from      
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen with effect from 29 December 2008.                        

Thus, the last day of trading is 23 December 2008.                              

For further information, please see the announcement from National Bank of      
Greece S.A. of 19 December 2008.                                                

| ISIN:                              | DK0010218932                            |
| Name:                              | National Bank of Greece                 |
| Listed capital (of EUR 5):         | 474,977,176 shares. (EUR 2,374,885,880) |
| Constructed CBR No.:               | 00 00 02 48                             |
| Short name:                        | 40101010                                |
| GICS:                              | NBG                                     |

For further information, please contact: Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance, 
tel. +45 33 93 33 66


national bank of greece - sletning uk.pdf