Nidec Revises Downward Consolidated Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2009

KYOTO, Japan, Dec. 19, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nidec Corporation (NYSE:NJ)
today announced a downward revision on its consolidated financial forecasts
(U.S. GAAP) for the year ending March 31, 2009 as follows. 

1. Revised consolidated financial forecasts (U.S. GAAP) for the year ending
March 31, 2009. 

 From April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 (Millions of yen, except per
 share amounts and percentages)
                    For the year ending March 31, 2009
                  ------------------------------------------  For the
                   Previous                                   year
                   forecast                                   ended
                  (April 23, Revised     Change     Change    March 31,
                     2008)   Forecast   (amount)   (percent)   2008
 Net sales         800,000   630,000   (170,000)    (21.3%)  (742,126)
 Operating income   90,000    55,000    (35,000)    (38.9%)    76,833
 Income before
  Income Tax        90,000    43,000    (47,000)    (52.2%)    62,683
 Net income         58,000    28,000    (30,000)    (51.7%)    41,156
 Earnings per
  share             400.17    193.62         --        --      284.00

2. Reasons for the revision

The ripples of economic unrest, radiating beyond the financial markets into the
real economy worldwide, has started affecting the business environment
surrounding the Company after the middle of November. Reflecting the ongoing
economic uncertainties and possible business risks attributable to further
demand declines, yen's appreciation and customer inventory adjustments
accelerating at a pace far exceeding expectations, the Company now revises
downward its financial forecast announced on April 23, 2008. 

3. Reference

In this connection, the following subsidiaries of Nidec Corporation today
announced downward revisions on their consolidated financial forecasts
(Japanese GAAP) for the year ending March 31, 2009. 

The details are as follows:

1) Nidec Sankyo Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st Section, Code: 7757)

 From April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 (Millions of yen, except per
 share amounts and percentages)
                   For the year ending March 31, 2009
                  -----------------------------------------  For the
                  Previous                                     year
                  forecast                          Change    ended
                  April 23,  Revised    Change       Per-    March 31,
                    2008     Forecast   Amount      centage    2008
 Net sales        113,000    100,000   (13,000)     (11.5%)   108,987
 Operating income  10,000      6,000    (4,000)     (40.0%)     9,544
 Recurring income  10,000      4,500    (5,500)     (55.0%)     6,845
 Net income         6,000      2,000    (4,000)     (66.7%)     5,041
 Earnings per
  share             31.40      10.47        --         --       26.42

2) Nidec Copal Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st Section, Code: 7756)

 From April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 (Millions of yen, except per
 share amounts and percentages) 
                   For the year ending March 31, 2009               
                  -----------------------------------------  For the
                  Previous                                     year 
                  forecast                          Change    ended
                  April 23,  Revised    Change       Per-    March 31,
                    2008     Forecast   Amount      centage    2008
 Net sales         90,000     75,000    (15,000)     (16.7%)   87,957
 Operating income   8,200      5,000     (3,200)     (39.0%)    7,443
 Recurring income   8,200      4,800     (3,400)     (41.5%)    7,202
 Net income         5,350      3,000     (2,350)     (43.9%)    4,993
 Earnings per                                                  
  share             85.11      47.73         --         --      79.45

3) Nidec Tosok Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st Section, Code: 7728)

 From April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 (Millions of yen, except per
 share amounts and percentages)
                   For the year ending March 31, 2009                
                  ------------------------------------------ For the
                  Previous                                    year
                  forecast                          Change    ended
                  April 23,  Revised    Change       Per-    March 31
                     2008    Forecast   Amount      centage    2008
 Net sales         27,000     23,500     (3,500)     (13.0%)   26,213
 Operating income   2,500      1,200     (1,300)     (52.0%)    2,174
 Recurring income   2,500      1,200     (1,300)     (52.0%)    2,198
 Net income         1,400        400     (1,000)     (71.4%)    1,634
 Earnings per                                                  
  share             72.76      20.79         --       --        84.93

4) Nidec Copal Electronics Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st Section, Code:

 From April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 (Millions of yen, except per
  share amounts and percentages)
                    For the year ending March 31, 2009
                --------------------------------------------  For the
                 Previous                                      year
                 forecast                                      ended
                 April 23,  Revised    Change      Change    March 31,
                    2008    Forecast   Amount    Percentage    2008
 Net sales         33,400    29,000    (4,400)     (13.2%)     33,880
 Operating income   4,500     2,650    (1,850)     (41.1%)      4,306
 Recurring income   4,400     2,400    (2,000)     (45.5%)      4,190
 Net income         2,600     1,400    (1,200)     (46.2%)      2,547
 Earnings per
  share             39.21     21.12        --         --        38.42

5) Nidec Servo Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange 2nd Section, Code: 6585)

 From April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 (Millions of yen, except per
  share amounts and percentages)
                    For the year ending March 31, 2009
                --------------------------------------------  For the
                 Previous                                      year
                 forecast                                      ended
                 April 23,  Revised    Change      Change    March 31,
                  2008      Forecast   Amount    Percentage    2008
 Net sales         28,000    25,000    (3,000)     (10.7%)     35,046
 Operating income   2,100       850    (1,250)     (59.5%)      2,053
 Recurring income   2,100       850    (1,250)     (59.5%)      1,790
 Net income         1,700       650    (1,050)     (61.8%)      1,654
 Earnings per
  share             47.83     18.29        --         --        46.49

The Nidec Corporation logo is available

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements including expectations,
judgement, plans, and strategies, associated with Nidec Group's business
activities. The forward-looking statements are based on management's
assumptions and belief in light of the information currently available. Certain
risks, uncertainties and other factors could cause actual results to differ
materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors
include, but are not limited to: fluctuation of currency exchange rates,
overall supply and customer demand in the motor industry, product development
and production capabilities, and other risks and uncertainties. 

CONTACT: Nidec Corporation
         Investor Relations
         Masahiro Nagayasu, General Manager