The Nomination Committee proposes the election of Erik Mitteregger as Non-Executive Director

The members  of  the  Nomination  Committee  of  Metro  International
S.A.('Metro'), who represents more  than 50% of  the votes in  Metro,
will propose  the election  of Erik  Mitteregger as  a  non-executive
Director of Metro at the 2009 Annual General Meeting of shareholders.

Erik Mitteregger, born 1960, is a  member of the board of  Investment
AB Kinnevik since 2004, and is also a member of the boards of Firefly
AB and  Wise Group  AB. Erik  has been  Head of  Equity Research  and
member  of  the  Management  Board  at  Alfred  Berg   Fondkommission
1989-1995. He  has also  been founding  partner and  fund manager  at
Brummer & Partners Kapitalförvaltning AB 1995-2002.

The Nomination Committee will submit  its full proposal for the  2009
Annual General Meeting in the notices to the AGM.

For further information please contact:
Mikael Holmberg, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, tel: +352 691
751 203


Metro is the largest international  newspaper in the world. Metro  is
published in over  150 major  cities in 20  countries across  Europe,
North & South  America and Asia.  Metro has a  unique global reach  -
attracting a young,  active, well-educated  Metropolitan audience  of
over 20 million daily readers.  Metro's advertising sales have  grown
at a  compound annual  rate of  38%  since the  launch of  the  first
edition in 1995.

Metro International 'A' and 'B' shares  are listed on the OMX  Nordic
Exchange's Nordic List under the symbols MTRO SBD A and MTRO SBD B.


Press release PDF.pdf