Mats Lönnqvist new CFO and Deputy President of SAS Group

Mats Lönnqvist new CFO and Deputy President of SAS Group

Mats Lönnqvist will assume the position of CFO and Deputy President of the SAS
Group on January 1, 2009. He replaces Gunilla Berg, who has held the position
since September 2002. Mats is 54 years old and has many years of experience as a
CFO at such listed companies as Eniro, Esselte and Biacore.  

“Mats Lönnqvist has broad experience of work as a CFO and is accustomed to
working in industries that are characterized by major changes. I extend a warm
welcome to him as he joins SAS,” says Mats Jansson, SAS President and CEO.

“I very much look forward to participating in the work to create a strong and
profitable SAS. The many challenges facing the company make the assignment both
stimulating and exciting,” says Mats Lönnqvist.

“For seven years, Gunilla Berg has held the key role of CFO and Deputy President
of the SAS Group, applying an extremely high level of competence and integrity,”
says Mats Jansson. “More than six months ago, Gunilla made it known that she
wanted to move on in her career. Thanks to her loyalty, she chose to remain
until her successor takes over. I want to thank her for her outstanding
cooperation and excellent work and wish her the best of luck in the future.” 

“For about seven years, I have worked intensively with the process of change at
SAS,” says Gunilla Berg. “It has been challenging, but at the same time highly
stimulating and instructive. Now that SAS is entering the next phase of the
change effort, it feels natural to pass on the baton to new leadership. I wish
the management team the best of luck in their continued work.” 

SAS Group Corporate Communications

For further information, please contact 
Elisabeth Manzi, Director Media Relations, SAS Group, +46 8 797 4893

