New Fund Manager for the Fund “AB.LV Global ETF Fund”

Hereby we inform you that as of 01.01.2009. the open-end investment funds
“AB.LV Global USD ETF Fund” and “AB.LV Global EUR ETF Fund” of the company IPAS
“AB.LV Asset Management” will be managed by a new fund manager, Olegs Rusnaks,
who previously carried out the duties of portfolio manager of the Investment
Management Department. 

You can obtain more information about open-end funds managed by IPAS “AB.LV
Asset Management” on or from
specialists of IPAS “AB.LV Asset Management”: 

- Vadims Burcevs, Head of Sales and Customer Servicing Support Department, tel.
+371 6700 2772; 
- Armens Mirzojans, Investment Specialist of Sales and Customer Servicing
Support Department, tel. +371 6700 2787; 
- Viola Kalniņa, Customer Manager of Sales and Customer Servicing Support
Department, tel. +371 6700 2778.