A Magical Story -- Exciting New Fantasy Book Shows the Indomitable Bond of Family and Friendship

HENDERSON, Ky., Dec. 29, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With the success of the film adaptations of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Harry Potter series, Narnia, and others, it just goes to show that everyone loves fairy tales and stories set in enchanted realms! Get ready for an exciting addition to the genre as authors Alixandria DeSpain and Lucinda Laughlin pen an engaging fantasy novel, Calitare.

In an enchanted land, two young princesses must protect this realm from evil forces before all is lost. Imagine a place brimming with magic, where mermaids hide under waterfalls and demons prowl the deep forest. Great wars are approaching, broken spirits are healing, and peace is fighting to rule the kingdom again.

In the heart of it all are twin princesses, Willow and Evadne, waging battle against shattered purities and blazing into adventures of grave danger and romance. No matter what mishaps lie before them, their bond of friendship never wavers. Through fierce, tender protection, they defend this place of enchanted wonders, unspeakable beauty, and buried mysteries -- this land they call home. Welcome to Calitare.

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About the Author

Alixandria DeSpain and Lucinda Laughlin started writing Calitare in 2007. They looked at this project as they do everything else: an amazing adventure to take on. Between ballroom dancing, archery, karate, yoga, and occasional modeling, they live life to its fullest. No matter what life holds in store for them, they face it with excited anticipation because they have the same blessing the story's heroines Willow and Evadne have: each other. They hope that exploring this magical story will enchant your hearts as much as it had theirs.

          Calitare * by Alixandria DeSpain and Lucinda Laughlin
                    Publication Date: December 17, 2008
          Trade Paperback; $19.99; 184 pages; 978-1-4363-4624-5
          Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 184 pages; 978-1-4363-4625-2

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