QPR Software Plc acquires customer contracts regarding QPR products from Mawell and expands into Finnish healthcare sector

QPR Software Plc	          STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE, DECEMBER 31, 2008 AT 4.05 P.M
QPR Software Plc acquires customer contracts regarding QPR products from Mawell
and expands into Finnish Healthcare Sector   
QPR Software Plc buys all Mawell Ltd´s customer contracts regarding QPR         
ProcessGuide, QPR ScoreCard and CostPerform software products that can be       
transferred to QPR Software. The customers to be transferred are mostly         
healthcare organizations in Finland. 

The transaction includes maintenance agreements with an estimated total
invoicing of EUR 330,000 in 2009. The customers use QPR software products daily
for managing and developing processes and organizational performance. 
QPR Software Plc sold in 2001 to Mawell Ltd exclusive rights to sell QPR's      
software products to healthcare sector in Finland. These exclusive rights cease 
to exist as of January 1, 2009. The transaction does not include Mawell´s       
customer contracts related to its own service and consulting business. As part  
of this transaction, one current employee of Mawell will be transferred to be   
employed by QPR.    
The maximum transaction price is set to be no more than EUR 650,000. The final  
transaction price depends on the amount of customer contracts and the amount of 
related maintenance invoicing transferred from Mawell to QPR. QPR finances the  
transaction from its operative cash flow. On an annual level QPR estimates the  
transaction (including the estimated new sales) to have a positive impact of    
approximately 7-9% on its net sales in 2009 and also to have a positive impact  
on 2009 earnings per share. The goodwill from the transaction is expected to be 
moderate, and QPR will write off the most of the purchase price in five years   

“This transaction opens to QPR the possibility to sell its own software to the  
Finnish healthcare sector. We have many Finnish cities and councils as our      
customers, who can now buy QPR products directly from us to all of their        
branches. This transaction also supports our strategy to develop a strong home  
market service offering in business process consulting, and opens new           
possibilities to build service concepts for our international resellers”, says  
QPR Software's CEO Jari Jaakkola.                                               

“Mawell and QPR will also strengthen their co-operation in healthcare sector    
outside Finland. Mawell starts sales of QPR software in Sweden and the Baltic   
area. Our strategy is to expand our market share by offering business process   
solutions to our international customers. Co-operation with QPR has been good   
for many years, so this expansion of co-operation is very pleasant to both      
parties”, says Mawell's CEO Tero Silvola. 
The purchased business will be transferred to QPR as of January 1, 2009. The    
transaction has no effects on the agreements or services of the customers to be 
transferred from Mawell to QPR. QPR will provide software maintenance and
support services to the transferring customers from its Helsinki premises in
accordance with the existing agreements. 
About QPR Software Plc                                                          
QPR Software Plc is an international, highly recognized specialist providing    
software and solutions for process development and for risk management and      
compliance. QPR's mission is to help people and organizations to take control of
their business processes and achieve their goals. QPR software has been         
implemented in more than 1,500 organizations across the globe and is provided in
more than 20 languages. QPR was founded in 1991, has its headquarters in        
Helsinki, Finland and co-operates with an extensive network of talented partners
in over 50 countries worldwide. QPR Software's share is listed on NASDAQ OMX    
Helsinki Ltd (ticker: QPR1V).                                                   

QPR - Quality. Processes. Results.  www.qpr.com                                 

QPR Software Plc                                                                
Jari Jaakkola, CEO                                                              

For further information, please contact:                                        

QPR Software Plc                                                                
Jari Jaakkola, CEO                                                              
Tel. + 358 40 502 6397                                                          

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Main media                                                                      