Source: Sanoma Oyj

Share Subscription Price with Sanoma Stock Options 2008 And Market Value of Stock Option Scheme 2008

The share subscription price for Sanoma Corporation's stock option
2008 is EUR 12.25/share (the trade volume weighted average quotation
of the share on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. during 1 November-31
December 2008 with an addition of twenty (20) per cent). Each year
the dividend is deducted from the subscription price.
A total of 1,700,000 new shares or existing shares held by the
Company can be subscribed for with stock options 2008. The share
subscription period for stock options 2008 will be 1 November 2011-30
November 2014.

The theoretical market value of stock options in Stock Option Scheme
2008 is EUR 1.70/stock option. The theoretical market value of the
entire scheme is thus EUR 2,890,000. The theoretical market value of
one stock option has been calculated through the use of Black &
Scholes stock option pricing model with the following input factors:
share price EUR 9.21, share subscription price EUR 12.25, risk free
interest rate 3.0%, validity of stock options 5.92 years and
volatility 23.40%.

The terms and conditions of the Stock Option Scheme 2008 are
available on the Company's internet pages

Sanoma announced the Stock Option Scheme 2008 on 19 December 2008.

Sanoma Corporation

Kim Ignatius
Chief Financial Officer

Additional information: Sanoma's Group Communications, tel +358 105
19 5062 or

Sanoma  inspires,  informs  and   connects.  We  bring   information,
experiences, education and entertainment to millions of people  every
day. We make sure that  quality content and interesting products  and
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viewers  and  listeners.   We  offer   challenging  and   interesting
employment for over 20,000 people in 20 countries throughout  Europe.
In 2007, the Group's net sales totalled EUR 2.9 billion.