FINNAIR OYJ   STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   8 JANUARY 2009   AT 09:00                

Finnair's traffic grew in 2008 by 10 per cent compared with the previous year.  
Asian traffic alone grew by 16.5 per cent.                                      
“Finnair's Asian flights carried a total of 1.3 million passengers last year, a 
new record. Our successful Asian strategy will be an essential part of our      
scheduled traffic also in the future,” says Finnair's SVP Communications        
Christer Haglund.                                                               
In December, Asian traffic demand grew six per cent, while capacity was cut by  
nearly four per cent. This year scheduled traffic capacity is expected to be    
good two per cent less than last year. Asian traffic capacity will fall by the  
same amount, because the present Boeing MD-11 long-haul aircraft will be        
replaced with new Airbus A330 aircraft and the number of aircraft will not      
In December, scheduled traffic growth was more than five per cent. North        
American traffic grew by 29 per cent, influenced to a large extent by the       
addition of one flight per week to New York. North American traffic accounts for
around six per cent of scheduled traffic's revenue passenger kilometres. In     
domestic traffic, capacity fell last year by six per cent, mainly as a result of
turbo-prop traffic being discontinued a year ago. This contributed to the fact  
that in December and the whole of last year domestic traffic passenger          
kilometres fell by nearly nine per cent. Leisure traffic grew by 12 per cent    
last November, and in December by 13 per cent. Finnair traffic grew by nearly   
eight per cent in December compared with the previous year.                     
Load factors rose compared with December last year in Asian and North American  
traffic, but fell in European and domestic traffic as well as in leisure        
Finnair scheduled traffic average revenue per passenger kilometre fell last year
by more than four per cent and in the final quarter by 12 per cent.             
“The price level of flight tickets has fallen significantly. Flying is now      
cheaper than ever before. A fall-off in business travel towards the end of the  
year also weakened average revenues,” explains Haglund.                         
The number of cargo kilos carried by Finnair declined in December by more than  
22 per cent, which reflects a weakening of the global cargo market towards the  
end of the year. Last year, Finnair carried a total of more than one hundred    
million kilos of cargo, which is 3.5 per cent more than a year earlier.         
Of Finnair's flights, 77.1 per cent arrived on schedule in December, which      
represents an improvement of 7.8 percentage points from last year. Finnair is   
one of Europe's most punctual network airlines. Scheduled traffic's punctuality 
percentage rose from December last year by 7.8 percentage points to 80.7 per    

Finnair traffic in December                                                     
Finnair traffic altogether increased by 7.8%, measured in revenue passenger     
kilometres. Capacity increased by 4.5%. Passenger load factor was 2.4 percentage
points higher than year before, 77.6%. Number of passengers carried increased by
3.1% and was 627 615.                                                           

Scheduled traffic in December                                                   
Scheduled traffic increased by 5.3%, measured in revenue passenger kilometres.  
Capacity increased by 0.7%. Passenger load factor was 3.1 percentage points     
higher than year before, 71.7%. Number of passengers carried increased by 1.4%  
and was 509 449.                                                                

Scheduled international traffic, increased by 6.2%, measured in revenue         
passenger kilometres. Capacity increased by 0.9%. Passenger load factor was 3.7 
percentage points higher than year before, 72.8%. Number of passengers carried  
increased by 4.2% and was 387 788.                                              

European scheduled traffic, increased by 2.9%, measured in revenue passenger    
kilometres. Capacity increased by 5.4%. Passenger load factor was 1.5 percentage
points lower than year before, 61.5%. Number of passengers carried increased by 
2.6% and was 274 761.                                                           

North Atlantic scheduled traffic increased by 28.6%, measured in revenue        
passenger kilometres. Capacity increased by 25.0%. Passenger load factor was 9.6
percentage points higher than year before, 86.5%. Number of passengers carried  
increased by 28.6% and was 12 190.                                              

Asian scheduled traffic increased by 6.0%, measured in revenue passenger        
kilometres. Capacity decreased by 3.7%. Passenger load factor was 7.2 percentage
points lower than year before, 78.8%. Number of passengers carried increased by 
6.0% and was 100 837.                                                           

Domestic scheduled traffic decreased by 8.9%, measured in revenue passenger     
kilometres. Capacity decreased by 2.1%. Passenger load factor was 4.3 percentage
points higher than year before, 56.6%. Number of passengers carried decreased by
6.5% and was 121 661.                                                           

Leisure traffic in December                                                     
Leisure traffic increased by 12.9%, measured in revenue passenger kilometres.   
Capacity increased by 15.2%. Passenger load factor was 1.8 percentage points    
lower than year before, 92.0%. Number of passengers carried increased by 11.5%  
and was 118 166.                                                                

Cargo in December                                                               
Cargo traffic decreased by 22.2% in terms of cargo tonnes carried.              

Decrease in scheduled traffic was 22.3%. Cargo traffic decreased by 27.1% in    
Asian traffic was, by 19.1% in European traffic and increased by 3.8% in        
North-Atlantic traffic. The cargo load factor in the Asian traffic was 57.4% and
in the North Atlantic traffic 64.9%.                                            

Cargo traffic carried on chartered cargo flights decreased by 52.3%.            

|                               |   Dec08   | %-CHANG | Jan08-Dec0 |        %- |
|                               |           |       E |          8 |    CHANGE |
| TOTAL TRAFFIC                 |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     627,6 |     3,1 |    8 270,1 |       2,3 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |   2 470,2 |     4,5 |   29 101,0 |      11,2 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |   1 917,5 |     7,8 |   21 896,1 |      10,4 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      77,6 |   2,4 p |       75,2 |    -0,5 p |
| Cargo tonnes toatal           |   6 828,0 |   -22,2 |  102 143,8 |       3,5 |
| Available tonne-kilometres    |     370,3 |     3,5 |    4 485,4 |      12,1 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill |     209,5 |     0,3 |    2 544,8 |       9,6 |
| Overall load factor %         |      56,6 |  -1,8 p |       56,7 |    -1,3 p |
| SCHEDULED TOTAL               |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     509,4 |     1,4 |    6 950,7 |       0,9 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |   1 749,8 |     0,7 |   23 215,1 |      11,5 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |   1 254,5 |     5,3 |   16 707,7 |       9,8 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      71,7 |   3,1 p |       72,0 |    -1,1 p |
| EUROPE                        |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     274,8 |     2,6 |    4 026,5 |       2,8 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |     605,6 |     5,4 |    8 424,8 |       6,1 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |     372,1 |     2,9 |    5 529,8 |       2,7 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      61,5 |  -1,5 p |       65,6 |    -2,2 p |
| NORTH ATLANTIC                |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |      12,2 |    28,6 |      154,6 |      10,6 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |      93,1 |    25,0 |    1 197,1 |       8,7 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |      80,5 |    28,6 |    1 020,5 |      10,6 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      86,5 |   2,4 p |       85,2 |     1,5 p |
| ASIA                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     100,8 |     6,0 |    1 299,0 |      14,9 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |     930,0 |    -3,7 |   12 201,7 |      18,6 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |     733,2 |     6,0 |    9 339,9 |      16,5 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      78,8 |   7,2 p |       76,5 |    -1,4 p |
| DOMESTIC                      |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     121,7 |    -6,5 |    1 470,6 |     -13,5 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |     121,2 |    -2,1 |    1 391,5 |      -5,9 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue pax-kilometres mill   |      68,6 |    -8,9 |      817,6 |      -8,6 |
| Passenger load factor %       |      56,6 |  -4,3 p |       58,8 |    -1,7 p |
| LEISURE TRAFFIC               |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     118,2 |    11,5 |    1 319,4 |      10,4 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |     720,4 |    15,2 |    5 886,0 |       9,7 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |     663,1 |    12,9 |    5 188,3 |      12,4 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      92,0 |  -1,8 p |       88,1 |     2,1 p |
| CARGO TRAFFIC                 |           |         |            |           |
| Cargo scheduled traffic total |   6 568,7 |   -22,3 |   98 777,7 |       7,0 |
| tonnes                        |           |         |            |           |
| Europe tonnes                 |   1 613,4 |   -19,1 |   20 697,9 |      -7,6 |
| North Atlantic tonnes         |     539,1 |     3,8 |    7 507,7 |       1,4 |
| Asia tonnes                   |   4 163,9 |   -27,1 |   67 447,4 |      14,0 |
| Domestic tonnes               |     252,3 |     8,4 |    3 124,8 |      -6,3 |
| Cargo leisure traffic tonnes  |     123,0 |   230,9 |      605,8 |      32,0 |
| Scheduled cargo charter       |     136,3 |   -52,3 |    2 760,3 |     -53,5 |
| tonnes                        |           |         |            |           |
| Cargo tonnes total            |   6 828,0 |   -22,2 |  102 143,8 |       3,5 |
| Available tonne-kilometres*   |      79,3 |     2,5 |      971,3 |      10,1 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill |      37,6 |   -24,0 |      583,0 |       6,6 |
| Cargo load factor* %          |      47,4 | -16,5 p |       60,0 |    -2,0 p |

p= percentage points                                                            
Definitions to the terms used:                                                  
Change % refers to the change of the figures of the previous year               
Revenue passenger kilometres: Number of revenue passengers carried,multiplied by
kilometres flown.                                                               
Available passenger kilometres: Total number of seats available, multiplied by  
the number of kilometres flown.                                                 
Available tonne kilometres: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of        
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplies by kilometres flown.                     
Cabin factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available passenger      
Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne       

Next release on traffic statistics will be released on February 9, 2009.        

Finnair Oyj                                                                     
January 8, 2009                                                                 

Taneli Hassinen                                                                 
VP Financial Communications and Investor Relations                              
Tel. +358 9 818 4976                                                            

For further information please contact:                                         
Mr. Lasse Heinonen. SVP & CFO. tel. +358 9 818 4950                             
Mr. Christer Haglund. SVP Corporate Communications. tel. +358 9 818 4007        
Mr. Taneli Hassinen. VP Financial Communications and Investor Relations. tel.   
+358 9 818 4976                                                                 
Mr. Petteri Kostermaa. VP Traffic Planning. tel. +358 9 818 8504