Notice to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting of PartnerTech AB (publ.)

Notice to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting of PartnerTech AB (publ.)

The shareholders of PartnerTech AB (publ) (the "Company") are hereby notified of
an extraordinary general meeting at 5:00 PM on Monday, January 26, 2009 at
Advokatfirman Delphi, Regeringsgatan 30-32, Stockholm, Sweden.

Any shareholders who plans to attend the meeting must:

• be entered in the share register kept by VPC AB by Tuesday, January 20, 2009

• notify the Company of his or her attendance or that of a proxy, either by
writing to PartnerTech AB, Box 4282, SE-203 14 Malmö, Sweden, by faxing to +46
40-102649, by e-mailing to or by calling +46
40-102643 no later than 4:00 PM on Wednesday, January 21, 2009. Upon
notification, the shareholder must specify his or her full name, personal or
corporate identity number, address, daytime phone number, and - when applicable
- information concerning a deputy, proxy or legal representative. To facilitate
admission to the meeting, the notification should be accompanied - when
applicable - by powers of attorney, certificates of registration or other

In order to attend the meeting, any shareholder whose shares are registered in
the name of an authorized agent must request temporary entry in the share
register kept by VPC AB. The shareholder must inform the agent to that effect
well in advance of Tuesday, January 20, 2009, at which time the register entry
must have been made.

1. 	Preparation and approval of the list of shareholders entitled to vote at the
2.	Selection of the chairman of the meeting
3.	Presentation and approval of the agenda
4.	Choice of two people to verify the minutes in addition to the chairman
5.	Verification that shareholders have been duly notified of the meeting
6.	Decision concerning divestment of a subsidiary

The Board of Directors' complete proposal and the auditor's statement concerning
the proposed decision in accordance with Item 6 will be available at the
Company's office at Södra Tullgatan 3, Malmö, Sweden, as of Monday, January 12,
2009, mailed at the same time to shareholders who so request and provide their
mailing address, and appear on The documents will also be
presented at the meeting.

Item 2, Election of the chairman of the meeting
The Company's nominating committee has submitted the following proposed decision
with respect to Item 2:

Örian Odenbro, Attorney, is proposed as chairman of the meeting.

Item 6, Decision concerning divestment of a subsidiary
For reasons of efficiency and cost reduction, the Board of Directors of
PartnerTech AB (publ) (corporate identity no. 556251-3308) proposes that the
meeting approve divestment by PartnerTech AB's British subsidiary PartnerTech
Limited of all shares in its wholly owned subsidiary PartnerTech Poole Limited
(”Poole”) to the current management of Poole, through a Company. The purchase
price corresponds to the net worth of Poole, which is an estimated GBP 377,013
at the time of transfer. Poole manufactures printed circuit boards assembly
under contract for local customers. Because printed circuit boards assembly for
the PartnerTech group's other customers are manufactured exclusively at other
PartnerTech units, Poole lacks strategic importance. Poole currently accounts
for approximately 3% of the PartnerTech group's total sales. Poole is presently
operating at a loss.

The divestment of Poole is insignificant pursuant to the regulations of the OMX
Nordic Exchange Stockholm but is covered by Chapter 16 of the Companies Act (the
earlier so called “Leo-lagen”). Thus, any valid decision must be approved by
shareholders with at least nine-tenths of the votes and shares represented at
the meeting.

Disclosure about the number of shares and votes
The Company's shareholders have a total of 12,664,982 shares and votes. 

Malmö, Sweden, January 2009
Board of Directors

For additional information, please call:
Marielle Noble, IR/Communications Manager +46 40-102643 or +46 706-546735 
Jonas Arkestad, CFO & Vice President Finance +46 40-102642 or +46 706-591510 

PartnerTech AB develops and manufactures products under contract for leading
companies, primarily in telecommunications, IT, engineering and medical
technology. With some 1,700 employees at its plants in Sweden, Norway, Finland,
Poland, the UK, the United States and China, PartnerTech reports annual sales of
approximately SEK 2.5 billion. PartnerTech AB (, the parent
company, is headquartered in Malmö and listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange

PartnerTech AB, corporate identity no. 556251-3308
Södra Tullgatan 3, SE-211 40 Malmö, Sweden (

Information reported to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

