Final results of Getinge's rights issue

Final results of Getinge's rights issue

Press release January 13, 2009

Not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in the
United States, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong or Japan

A final calculation of the outcome of the rights issue that Getinge AB (Getinge)
has completed shows that 23,613,334 shares, representing 99.1 per cent of the
total rights issue, have been subscribed for with primary preferential rights.
The 219,003 shares that were not subscribed with primary preferential rights
have been distributed among the shareholders who have subscribed for shares with
subsidiary preferential rights according to the principles described in the
prospectus. Through the rights issue Getinge will receive approximately SEK
1,990 million before transaction costs.

As a result of the rights issue, the number of shares in Getinge increases by
23,832,337 through the issue of 1,594,005 Class A shares and 22,238,332 Class B
shares and the share capital increases by SEK 11,916,168.50. After the rights
issue, the company's share capital amounts to SEK 119,161,688.50 distributed
among 15,940,050 Class A shares and 222,383,327 Class B shares. The newly issued
Class B shares are subject to trading on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Large Cap. 

Financial and legal advisor
SEB Enskilda is financial advisor to Getinge. Mannheimer Swartling is legal

Getinge, January 13, 2009
Getinge AB (publ)

For further information:
Ulf Grunander, CFO
+46 (0) 35 15 55 00

The information is such that Getinge AB must disclose in accordance with the
Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication on January 13, 2009, at 13:00 p.m,

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This press release may not be published or distributed, directly or indirectly,
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Nor may the information in this press release be forwarded, reproduced or
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with this instruction may result in a violation of the United States Securities
Act of 1933 ("Securities Act") or laws applicable in other jurisdictions. 

This press release does not contain or constitute an invitation or an offering
to acquire, subscribe for or otherwise trade in shares, subscription rights or
other securities in Getinge AB. 

Neither the BTAs (interim shares) nor the new shares will be registered in
accordance with the Securities Act or any provincial act in Canada and may not
be transferred or offered for sale in the United States or Canada or to persons
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