IT – INET Nordic Member Web Update (03/09)

Today the INET Nordic Member web has been updated, including updates of existing documents as well as some new documents. 

We would like to highlight the following changes:

            The Market Data offering for the NASDAQ OMX Nordic have been revised. Market by order for equities and warrants will not be distributed over GENIUM Consolidated Feed TIP (GCF). Instead GCF TIP will offer market by price in 10 levels and also a flow that can be managed during extreme peaks in the market. Market by order will be offered over ITCH, unmanaged and with the lowest latency. The background to this change is to be able to provide a managed flow over GCF TIP and also to limit the bandwidth need for the INET Nordic network. The offering and its distribution is described in Nordic Equity Total View presentation.  

            The GCF TIP test environment for SAXESS is available today. The GCF test system is connected with the same test system as the FIX GW, meaning that members and ISVs can test a round trip order flow using FIX to enter orders and where the result is visible on TIP. You can request for access to this test system by sending an email to

            Checkpoint 3 about Technical Infrastructure has been postponed one month. To be completed Feb 15, instead of Jan 15.

The updated and new documents are listed in the Member web history >>. 

The information is found on

The content presented at the INET Nordic member web is subject to discussions and in some cases approval from our FSAs. 

