Tiimari Group's December and whole year 2008 sales (preliminary)

Tiimari Plc        Stock Exchange Release January 15, 2009 at 13.30             

TIIMARI GROUP'S DECEMBER AND WHOLE YEAR 2008 SALES (preliminary)                

Tiimari Group's sales were 15.9 mill. euro in December 2008 up by 3 per cent on 
the corresponding month previous year.  The whole year 2008 sales were 85.0     
mill. euro up by 14 per cent.                                                   

Tiimari's investments in the new market areas resulted in sales increase in     
Sweden, Poland, Russia and Lithuania. Gallerix sales are consolidated in 2007   
figures for November and December only due to the acquisition in 2007. The      
Tiimore business has been reorganized and realigned during the year 2008.       
The sales information may change when the final annual closing is done.         

Tiimari group sales for December and whole year 2008                            

|                    |   Monthly sales |         |  Whole year sales |         |
|                    | 12/200 | 12/200 |   Chg-% | 12/2008 | 12/2007 |  Chg -% |
|                    |      8 |      7 |         |         |         |         |
| Tiimari            | 13 999 | 13 723 |     2 % |  70 848 |  70 129 |     1 % |
| Gallerix           |  1 735 |  1 425 |    22 % |  13 082 |   2 441 |   436 % |
| Retail concepts,   | 15 734 | 15 148 |     4 % |  83 930 |  72 570 |    16 % |
| total              |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| TiiMore            |    164 |    312 |   -48 % |   1 115 |   2 000 |   -44 % |
| Group total        | 15 898 | 15 460 |     3 % |  85 045 |  74 570 |    14 % |
|                    |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Finland            | 12 457 | 12 585 |    -1 % |  63 530 |  64 497 |    -1 % |
| Sweden             |  2 034 |  1 414 |    44 % |  14 089 |   2 621 |   438 % |
| Other countries    |  1 243 |  1 149 |     8 % |   6 311 |   5 452 |    16 % |
| Retail concepts,   | 15 734 | 15 148 |     4 % |  83 930 |  72 570 |    16 % |
| total              |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| TiiMore (Finland)  |    164 |    312 |   -48 % |   1 115 |   2 000 |   -44 % |
| Group total        | 15 898 | 15 460 |     3 % |  85 045 |  74 570 |    14 % |

Kristina Illi                                                                   
Managing Director                                                               
Tiimari Plc                                                                     

More information:                                                               
Managing Director Kristina Illi, +358 400 408 889