Orion: Annual Summary of Stock Exchange Releases and Announcements published in 2008

In accordance with Chapter 2, Section 10 c of the Finnish Securities
Market Act, Orion Corporation publishes an Annual Summary of the
stock exchange releases and announcements published by the company in
2008. The releases and announcements are available on the internet
website of Orion Corporation, at www.orion.fi/investors. Orion points
out that part of the information in the releases can have become

Stock Exchange Releases in 2008

|               | Orion comments on new challenge by Sun            |
| 02.01.2008    | Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., India, of Orion's |
|               | U.S. Patent No. 5,446,194 covering its            |
|               | proprietary drug Stalevo® in the United States    |
| 24.01.2008    | Positive primary endpoint from FIRST-STEP study   |
|               | with Stalevo® in early Parkinson's Disease        |
|               | Recommendation by the Nomination Committee        |
| 30.01.2008    | concerning Board of Directors to be elected by    |
|               | the AGM of Orion Corporation                      |
| 07.02.2008    | Orion Group Financial Review of 2007              |
|               | Matters to be handled at Orion's AGM on 25 March  |
| 07.02.2008    | 2008                                              |
| 07.02.2008    | Orion: Annual Summary of Stock Exchange Releases  |
|               | and Announcements published in 2007               |
|               | Orion sues Sun Pharmaceuticals in the U.S. to     |
| 07.02.2008    | enforce Orion's U.S. Patent No. 5,446,194         |
|               | covering its proprietary drug Stalevo®            |
|               | Orion Oyj: GTx announced Phase III clinical data  |
| 25.02.2008    | for toremifene citrate 80 mg                      |
| 28.02.2008    | Orion Group Annual Report 2007 published          |
|               | Orion Corporation: Decisions by the AGM on 25     |
| 25.03.2008    | March 2008                                        |
|               | Orion Corporation: Jukka Ylppö Vice Chairman of   |
| 25.03.2008    | the Board of Directors. Compositions of Board     |
|               | committees                                        |
| 15.04.2008    | Orion seeking broader indication for Stalevo®     |
| 25.04.2008    | Orion Group Interim Report 1-3/2008               |
|               | Orion has decided not to continue the development |
| 09.05.2008    | of a new COMT inhibitor candidate                 |
| 05.08.2008    | Orion Group Interim Report 1-6/2008               |
|               | Orion updates progress with dexmedetomidine       |
| 12.09.2008    | trials                                            |
|               | Orion comments on new ANDA by Sun Pharma Global,  |
| 07.10.2008    | Inc. for generic entacapone (Orion's proprietary  |
|               | drug Comtan®) in the United States                |
| 28.10.2008    | Orion Group Interim Report 1-9/2008               |
|               | Orion Corporation's publication schedules for     |
| 28.10.2008    | financial reporting in 2009                       |
|               | Composition of the Nomination Committee of Orion  |
| 29.10.2008    | Corporation                                       |
|               | Orion comments on ANDA filed by Wockhardt Limited |
| 03.11.2008    | for a generic version of Orion's proprietary drug |
|               | Stalevo® in the United States                     |
|               | Orion sues Sun Pharma Global, Inc. in the U.S. to |
|               | enforce Orion's U.S. Patent No. 5,446,194         |
| 12.11.2008    | covering its proprietary drug Comtan®             |
|               | Orion to renew operational model of               |
| 19.11.2008    | pharmaceutical R&D. Negotiation proposal on       |
|               | reduction of up to 300 employees in Finland       |
|               | Orion sues Wockhardt USA, Inc. and Wockhardt      |
| 08.12.2008    | Limited in the U.S. to enforce Orion's U.S.       |
|               | Patents covering its proprietary drug Stalevo®    |
|               | Orion comments on ANDA filed by Wockhardt Limited |
| 11.12.2008    | for a generic version of Orion's proprietary drug |
|               | Stalevo® (25/200/100; 37.5/200/150 and 50/200/200 |
|               | mg strengths) in the United States                |

Stock Exchange Announcements in 2008

| 16.01.2008    | Orion Corporation publishes 2007 Financial        |
|               | Statement release on 7 Feb 2008 at 8.30 EET       |
| 28.01.2008    | 98,020 Orion A-shares converted into B-shares     |
| 18.03.2008    | Orion Corporation acquisition of own shares       |
|               | 17.3.2008                                         |
| 19.03.2008    | Orion Corporation acquisition of own shares       |
|               | 18.3.2008                                         |
| 20.03.2008    | Orion Corporation acquisition of own shares       |
|               | 19.3.2008                                         |
| 20.03.2008    | Orion Corporation: Transfer of own shares         |
| 17.04.2008    | Orion Corporation publishes Interim Report        |
|               | Q1/2008 on 25 April 2008                          |
| 16.06.2008    | 520,000 Orion A-shares converted into B-shares    |
| 23.07.2008    | Orion Corporation publishes Interim Report        |
|               | Q2/2008 on 5 August 2008                          |
| 28.07.2008    | 500,000 Orion A-shares converted into B-shares    |
| 17.10.2008    | Orion publishes Interim Report 1-9/2008 on 28 Oct |
|               | 2008                                              |

Orion Corporation

Timo Lappalainen            Olli Huotari
President and CEO         Senior VP, Corporate Functions

Orion is dedicated to treating and preventing disease by discovery
and developing innovative medicinal treatments. In 2007, Orion
generated net sales of EUR 683.6 million and invested EUR 98.5
million in research and development. In the end of 2008, the number
of employees in the Orion Group was approximately 3,300, of which
2,700 persons were working in Finland. Orion corporate headquarters
are in Espoo, Finland.  For more information, please visit
http://www.orion.fi/english/. The financial statements of the Orion
Group for 2008 will be published on 6 February 2009.

Orion Corporation
Orionintie 1A, FI-02200 Espoo
Homepage: www.orion.fi