Anoto Group AB´s Nomination Committee Extended

Anoto Group AB´s Nomination Committee Extended

Following Essensor AS increased ownership in Anoto Group AB, the Nomination
Committee has been extended with Leif Eriksröd representing Essensor AS giving
the committee the following composition: 

Jan Andersson representing Swedbank Robur Fonder (Chairman of the Nomination
Committee), Stein O. Revelsby representing Norden Technology AS, Audun W.
Iversen representing Tor Aksel Voldberg, Leif Eriksröd representing Essensor AS
and Hans Otterling, Chairman of the Board. 

The Nomination Committee shall prepare and present to the Annual General Meeting
2009 proposals for the following issues:
1. Chairman at the Annual General Meeting
2. Chairman and other Members of the Board
3. Fees to the Board of Directors
4. Fees to the Auditors 
5. Procedure for electing a Nomination Committee ahead of the Annual General
Meeting 2010. 

The Nomination Committee's proposal for Board Members shall be presented in the
notice for the Annual General Meeting 2009 to be held on May 14, 2009 and at the
company's home page. 

Shareholders that would like to propose candidates for the Board of Directors
may do so by sending an email to or by mail to:
Valberedningen, Anoto Group AB, Emdalavägen 18, SE-223 69 Lund.

For more information:

Jan Andersson
Chairman of the Nomination Committee
+46 76 139 55 00

Anoto Group AB may be required to disclose the information provided herein
pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for
publication at 01.30 pm on January 19th, 2009.

Anoto Group AB
is the inventor of and world leader in the Digital Pen and Paper technology
allowing quick and reliable transmission of handwritten text from paper to
digital media. Anoto works with a global network of partners focusing on
user-friendly forms solutions for efficient capture, transmission and storing of
data for a variety of business segments including healthcare, banking and
finance, transportation and logistics, government and education. The Anoto Group
has around 110 employees, offices in Lund (head office), Boston and Tokyo. The
Anoto share is traded on the Small Cap list of the OMX Nordic Exchange in
Stockholm under the ticker ANOT. For more information:

