NIBE and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries launch joint technical platform.

NIBE and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries launch joint technical platform.
“Will attract new markets and customers.”

Swedish heating technology company NIBE today presented the first result of its
new collaboration with Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. 
The two companies have jointly developed a completely new technology platform
for outdoor air heat pumps, the fastest growing heat-pump segment in Europe.
The new platform will make energy-efficient heating available for new markets
at a reasonable cost. And at the same time it can also provide cooling. Sales
of the first product - NIBE SPLIT - will start during spring 2009. 

NIBE SPLIT is a variation on the so-called “air/water” or “outdoor air” heat
pumps - the most rapidly growing heat pump segment in Europe.  The product is
primarily designed for markets where the average outdoor air temperature is
warmer than is the case in northern Europe, and where there is a greater need
for cooling. 
“Our current products are mainly developed with the demanding northern European
market in mind”, says Kjell Ekermo, business area manager at NIBE Heating (NIBE
Villavärme).  NIBE is one of the world's leading companies in heat pump
technology for commercial and residential buildings. 
“The heat pump market in the southern parts of continental Europe is growing
rapidly but the climate in this region calls for different specifications. Now,
with this new development, we are able to meet these requirements, which
obviously gives us a strong market position.” 
“We feel that the new product concept will attract new markets as well as new

Hot water, heating and cooling.
NIBE SPLIT consists of an outdoor and an indoor module. MHI's technology is
used primarily in the outdoor module, where the company's international
experience from the air-conditioning industry comes into its own. NIBE Heating
has developed the indoor unit along with the advanced control system for the
whole product. 
NIBE SPLIT produces hot water and heating, distributed via underfloor heating
or radiators. On hot days the concept provides cooling instead, which is
usually distributed by fan coil convectors. 
“NIBE and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have given each other full access to all
relevant technology. This has made the development of the joint platform very
“The development has been driven by a technical team that has benefited from
the key competences of each company, resulting in a high-tech product with
optimal functionality, performance and quality.” 
The new product concept will be sold by both companies under their respective
brands, with differing designs. NIBE also estimates that the product launch
will make it possible to broaden the business area's customer base, as NIBE
SPLIT also will be of interest to installers of cooling systems. 

Growing international market
Interest in environmentally sound, and energy-efficient, heating is growing all
over the world.  NIBE SPLIT fully supports the European Parliament resolution
which, among other things, concluded that by 2020: 
-	At least 20% of energy consumption in Europe must come from renewable sources
-	CO2 emissions in Europe must be reduced by at least 20%
-	Energy-efficiency in Europe must be improved by at least 20%
In line with the EU decision, both ground source heat pumps and outdoor air
heat pumps have been classified as important products in helping achieve these
“The Nordic countries have been forerunners in this area for a long time. But
now energy-efficient heating, combined with cooling,  at a reasonable cost will
be available to completely new markets. 
 “The new-generation heat pumps will be a key factor in the continued
international expansion of NIBE Heating.” 
In Europe alone, the annual replacement market for central heating exchange is
estimated at around 5 million units. As NIBE SPLIT is easy to install,
generates high energy recovery and leads to substantial cost savings for
customers, it will contribute to speeding up the transfer from fossil fuels to
renewable energy. 
“In the long-term this will lead to increased sales for NIBE Heating and boost
our ongoing international expansion,” Kjell Ekermo continues. 
“NIBE's part of the new product will be manufactured at NIBE Heating's Heat
Pump Centre in Markaryd, Sweden, where we make the rest of our heat pump
Sales of NIBE SPLIT will start during the first quarter of 2009.

For more information please contact Kjell Ekermo
Business Area Manager, NIBE Heating
+ 46 (0)433 -73 000