CORRECTION: Articles of association of Exiqon A/S

The correction pertains to appendix 7 of the Articles of Association, Clause
1.4, where the exercise price was missing. 

Clause 1.4 "Exercise Price" shall be replaced by the following:
"The Exercise Price is DKK 23.88 per Warrant, plus 5% per year. This additional
payment shall be calculated per calendar day from the time of grant of the
Warrants and until the time at which the Holder's Exercise Notice is received
at the Company's address for the attention of the Chairman of the Supervisory
Board, cf. clause 1.7."; 

See the corrected Articles of Association in the attached pdf-document.

Articles of Association of Exiqon A/S CVR No. 18 98 44 31.

See the attached pdf-document

