Change in the Executive Board and capital increase

Fionia Bank's Board of Directors has decided to strenghten the management by
appointing Master of Laws Jørgen Bast as CEO, chairman of the Executive Board.
Mr Jørgen Bast begins on 1 February 2009. 

Jørgen Bast is 59 years old and was chief credit officer in Sparbank A/S. From
2001-2006 Jørgen Bast was chairman of the Executive Board in F. Uhrenholt
Holding A/S. From 1992-2001 Jørgen Bast was employed in Danske Bank, the last 6
years as chief regional manager. 

Henrik Borup Jeppesen has terminated his job as member of the Executive Board
in Fionia Bank. 

The management of the bank now exists of CEO, chairman of the Executive Board
Jørgen Bast and member of the Executive Board Kaj Østergaard Mortensen, 

Capital increase
The Board of Directors has decided to recommend to the annual General Meeting
that the Board of Directors receives the authority to execute one or more
capital increases. 

It is the bank's intention until the General Meeting to look for possibilities
to sell the new shares to shareholders as well as to potential investors in the
bank's market area and amongst close cooperative partners. 

The size of the capital increase and the share issue will be determined soon,
after the above mentioned examination. 

Yours sincerely

Bo Stærmose
Chairman of the Board of Directors