Annual General Meeting of RTX Telecom

Today, 28 January 2009, RTX Telecom held its Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The AGM discussed and approved items 1-3 of the agenda as presented. In this
connection the AGM adopted the Supervisory Board's recommendation not to pay
dividend for the financial year 2007/08. 

In accordance with item 4 on the agenda the shareholders at the AGM elected
Mogens Elsberg, Jesper Mailind, Peter Thostrup and Karsten Vandrup as new
members of the Supervisory Board. Jens Hansen and Jens Toftgaard Petersen, the
two other members of the Supervisory Board, were re-elected. 

The Supervisory Board also includes the two employee representatives, M.Sc.E.E.
Jørgen Dalby-Jakobsen and Finance Controller Else Baldvinsson Larsen. 

Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab was re-elected as the company's
auditor, in accordance with item 5. 

Under item 6 a on the agenda the Supervisory Board was authorised until the
next AGM to allow the company to acquire its own shares of up to a limit of 10%
of the share capital at the price corresponding to the “all trading” average on
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S on the date of purchase with a deviation of up to

Under item 6 b on the agenda the AGM adopted the Supervisory Board's proposal
for overall guidelines pursuant to section 69 b of the Danish Public Companies
Act governing incentive programmes for the Executive Board of RTX Telecom. 
At the board meeting following the AGM, the Supervisory Board elected Mogens
Elsberg as its Chairman and Jesper Mailind as Deputy Chairman. 

Questions and further information
Tage Rasmussen, President & CEO, tel. +45 96 32 23 00

Best regards,

Mogens Elsberg	
Chairman of the Board

Tage Rasmussen
President & CEO


fb2009 06_uk minutes agm.pdf