High gold contents in significant widths also in deeper parts of deposit Pampalo

The press release including tables and pictures can be downloaded
from the following link:
Press release (PDF)

  *          12,9 gram gold/ton (22,4 metres in core from hole T-522)
  *          23,6 gram gold/ton (7,1 metres in core from hole T-492)
  *          14,2 gram gold/ton (1,3 metres in core from hole T-514)
  *          12,5 gram gold/ton (1,5 metres in core from hole T-500)
       (core section's length and drillhole notes in parentheses)

Endomines has continued the core drilling programme, which was
started in February 2008, from the new ramp towards the deeper parts
of the deposit Pampalo. The aim of the continued drilling has mainly
been to increase the indicated mineral resources even more. The
earlier drilling results were presented in press releases on the 16th
June, 25th August and 11th November 2008.

Cross-section of the auriferous zones in Pampalo deposit showing the
target area for drilling in 2008. Ore zone is brown and yellow. The
drilled holes are black. The red lines indicate the analysed gold

The core drilling was carried out from the new ramp, and the
auriferous zones were met at the levels -360 metres and -550 metres.
Mainly the distance between the drilled holes is approximately 20
metres. Auriferous zones were found almost in every drillhole. In
some drillholes the mineralised core sections had significant widths
and gold contents: up to over 22 metres and almost 13 grammes gold
per ton (see the table below). The actual width of the mineralisation
is, however, longer and depends e.g. on the drillhole direction and

                              Table 1.
The gold contents in mineralised core sections and other drillhole
information of the latest holes in Pampalo deposit. *

*The drilled holes have core diameter of 61,7 mm. The cores are
divided in two equally big parts all the way with a rock saw. The
other half is sent to assay and the other goes to archives for later
usage. An independent laboratory company Labtium Ab from Finland,
accredited according to TO25/M14/2007 of FINAS, has carried out the
assay and sample preparation. 50 g FA + AAS method, Labtium code
705A, was used as the assay method. Esa Sandberg, SveMin/FAERI's
qualified person, has supervised all the used working phases
described on this press release. He is employed by Endomines but does
not own any shares of the Company."The completed results of the drill campaign from the year 2008 in
the deposit Pampalo show that there are very high gold contents in
deeper parts of the deposit which is comparible with the earlier test
mining  of 114 372 tonnes ore with the average gold content of 15,3
grammes per ton. These areas with high gold contents in the deeper
parts of the deposit Pampalo will be a good contribution for the
profitability of the planned mining", says Timo Lindborg, CEO of
Endomines AB.

The information in this press release is based on the assay results
from the independent accredited laboratory Labtium Ab. Endomines'
chief geologist Jaakko Liikanen has compiled the tables and
information in this press release. Jaakko Liikanen owns shares in
Endomines AB and is authorised as "Qualified Person" of SveMin and

For further information, please, contact:
Timo Lindborg, Chief Executive Officer
phone: +46-8-611 66 45, mobile: +358-40-50 83 507

Endomines AB (publ) explores mineral deposits in Finland. The Company
owns mining permits or claims over all the known gold deposits along
the Karelian Gold Line, Pampalo mine among others wherein the Company
aims at starting the operation in 2010. In addition, Endomines has
claims for more gold deposits in Finnish Lapland. Besides gold, the
Company focuses on industrial mineral ilmenite which seems to have
stable demand growth and price development. These ilmenite deposits
exist in central Ostrobothnia.

Endomines applies SveMin's and FAERI's common reporting rules for
public mining and exploration companies. Endomines has decided to
show the mineral resources according to the internationally accepted
JORC or NI 43101 code. Endomines applies International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS)  as they are accepted by the European
Union which increases the possibilities to compare the Company with
foreign prospecting and mining companies.

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Press Release PDF.pdf