Neste Oil's Nomination Committee's proposal for composition of the Board of Directors

The Nomination Committee, established by Neste Oil Corporation's
Annual General Meeting on 14 March 2008, will propose to the Annual
General Meeting to be held on 3 April 2009 that the company's Board
of Directors should comprise the following members:
Mr. Timo Peltola should be re-elected as the Chairman of the Board,
Mr. Mikael von Frenckell as Vice Chairman, and Board members Mr
Michiel Boersma, Ms. Ainomaija Haarla, Ms. Nina Linander, Mr Markku
Tapio and Ms. Maarit Toivanen-Koivisto should be re-elected for a
further term of office.
The Nomination Committee's candidate for a new Board member is Mr
Hannu Ryöppönen B.A (Business Adm.).
All those concerned have given their consent to Board service. All
the nominees are considered independent, with the exception of Markku
Tapio, who is employed by the majority owner, the Finnish State.

The Nomination Committee will also propose that the remuneration paid
to the Board of Directors should remain unchanged and be as follows:
Chairman EUR 66,000/year
Vice Chairman EUR 49,200/year
Member EUR 35,400/year
Meeting fee EUR 600/meeting
The meeting fee applies also to Board's committee meetings, and is
proposed to be paid in double for the members living outside of

Shareholders' Nomination Committee was appointed in November 2008 and
comprised following persons: Mr. Jarmo Väisänen, Senior Financial
Counsellor of the Government Office, Ownership Steering Department;
Mr.Timo Ritakallio, Deputy CEO, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance
Company; and Mr. Risto Murto, Chief Investment Officer, Varma Mutual
Pension Insurance Company. The Chairman of Neste Oil's Board of
Directors Timo Peltola served as the Committee's expert member.
There is career and other relevant information on all persons
proposed for Board service on In addition,
information on Mr Hannu Ryöppönen, who is proposed to be elected as a
new Board member, is attached below.
Neste Oil Corporation
Osmo Kammonen
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
For additional information, please contact Mr Osmo Kammonen, Senior
Vice President, Corporate Communications, tel. + 358 50 458 4885.

Mr Hannu Ryöppönen, born 1952
B.A. (Business Adm.) Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki 1976
Relevant career information
2007-2009 Deputy CEO, Stora Enso Oyj, Helsinki/London
2005-2008 CFO, Stora Enso Oyj, Helsinki/London
2003-2005 CFO, Royal Ahold NV, Amsterdam
1999-2003 CFO, Industri Kapital Group, London
1985-1998 CFO, Ikea Group, Copenhagen
1981-1985 Various financial executive positions with Alfa Laval
Group, USA, Sweden
1977- 1981 Various customer executive positions with Chemical Bank,
Other responsibilities
2005 -  Chairman of the Board, Altor private equity funds
2002-  Member of the Board, Value Creation Investments Limited
Mr Ryöppönen does not own Neste Oil shares.