Metso's Nomination Committee proposes seven members to the Board

Metso Corporation's Company release on February 2, 2009 at 9.45 a.m.

The Nomination Committee established by Metso's Annual General
Meeting proposes to the next Annual General Meeting, which is planned
to be held on March 31, 2009, that the number of Board members is

The Nomination Committee proposes that from the current Board members
Maija-Liisa Friman, Christer Gardell, Arto Honkaniemi, Yrjö Neuvo,
Jaakko Rauramo and Jukka Viinanen be re-elected. Jukka Viinanen is
proposed to be elected as Chairman of the Board and Jaakko Rauramo as
Vice Chairman. It is also proposed that Ms. Pia Rudengren shall be
elected as a new member of the Metso Board. Matti Kavetvuo, present
Chairman of the Board, has informed that he is not available for

The new proposed Board member Pia Rudengren is a Board professional
and presently the Chairman of the Board of Q-MED AB, a publicly
listed Swedish biotechnology and medical device company, and the
Board member of Tikkurila Oy, Biophausia AB, Varyag Resources AB,
WeMind Digital Psykologi AB, Duni AB and Social Initiative AB. Pia
Rudengren holds M.Sc. degree in Business Administration and Economics
from the Stockholm School of Economics (1990). From 1990 on Pia
Rudengren has held a variety of positions at Investor AB, ultimately
serving as Chief Financial Officer and member of the management group
during the period from 1998 to 2001. From 2001 to 2005 she was
Executive Vice President of W Capital Management AB.

The Nomination Committee proposes the following annual fees to be
paid: Chairman of the Board EUR 92,000, Vice Chairman of the Board
EUR 56,000 and other Board members EUR 45,000. In addition, a fee of
EUR 600 per meeting is paid to all members for the Board and Board
committee meetings they attend. The travel expenses and daily
allowances will be paid according to company's travelling policy. The
annual fees remain unchanged compared to 2008.

Metso's Board of Directors will include these proposals into the
Annual General Meeting notice, which will be published later.

Personnel participation

The Nomination Committee notes that a personnel representative will
participate as an external expert in the Metso Board meetings also in
the next Board term within the limitations imposed by the Finnish
law. The new Board will invite the personnel representative as its
external expert in its organizing meeting after the Annual General

The Nomination Committee

The members of the Nomination Committee were Pekka Timonen
(Chairman), Lars Förberg, Mikko Koivusalo, Harri Sailas and Matti
Kavetvuo as the Committee's expert member.

Metso is a global supplier of sustainable technology and services for
mining, construction, power generation, automation, recycling and the
pulp and paper industries. We have over 29,000 employees in more than
50 countries.

Further information for the press, please contact:
Aleksanteri Lebedeff, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Metso
Corporation, tel. +358 20 484 3240

Further information for investors, please contact:
Johanna Sintonen, Vice President, Investor Relations, Metso
Corporation, tel. +358 20 484 3253

Metso Corporation

Olli Vaartimo
Executive Vice President and CFO

Kati Renvall
Vice President, Corporate Communications

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