Management situation and financial position

Stock Exchange Release no. 46
Made public via OMX on 3 February 2009

Management situation and financial position

At the board meeting of Nordic Tankers A/S on 3 February 2009, it was decided
to temporarily appoint Flemming Krusell Sørensen as CEO with immediate effect.
Consequently, Flemming Krusell Sørensen will become an ordinary member of the
Supervisory Board of the company. Attorney Sven Rosenmeyer Paulsen will replace
Flemming Krusell Sørensen as Deputy Chairman. 

Claus Breitenbauch has rejoined the Management Board as COO.

The Supervisory Board announces that the company has an entirely satisfactory
equity capital level and has available funds and adequate borrowing facilities. 

The Supervisory Board has launched an investigation of the transactions
conducted by the former management and announces that following a preliminary
assessment, those transactions do not seem to threaten the financial position
of the company. 

For further information 
Chairman of the Supervisory Board Klaus Kjærulff, tel.: +45 40 10 81 11