Preliminary Announcement of Financial Statements for 2008 - Totalkredit

To NASDAQ OMX København A/S
and the press

Preliminary Announcement of Financial Statements for 2008

The Board of Directors of Totalkredit A/S has approved the Company's Annual
for 2008.

The Annual Report has been submitted to NASDAQ OMX København and is also
available on Totalkredit's website at For further information,
refer to the Annual Report.

Financial highlights
• Profit after tax for the year came to DKK 823m against DKK 754m in 2007.
• The balance sheet stood at DKK 461,338m against DKK 409,914m in 2007.
• Equity at end-2008 was DKK 11,552m against DKK 10,729m in 2007.

2008 in brief
• The loan portfolio increased by a nominal DKK 38bn to DKK 401bn.
• Totalkredit's share of private residential mortgage lending rose from 29.8% to

Niels Tørslev, Group Managing Director, Nykredit, tel +45 44 55 10 20
Troels Bülow-Olsen, Managing Director, Totalkredit, tel +45 44 55 54 00


totalkredit - preliminary announcement of financial statements for 2008.pdf