Diamyd Medical presents clinical data at the BIO CEO & Investor Conference 2009 in New York

Press Release, February 6, 2009                                                 

Diamyd Medical presents clinical data at the BIO CEO & Investor Conference 2009 
in New York                                                                     

Diamyd Medical announces today that Elisabeth Lindner, President and Chief      
Executive Officer of the company, has been invited to speak at the BIO CEO &    
Investor Conference in New York on February 9. The presentation will take place 
at 2.45 pm at the Waldorf Astoria.                                              

Diamyd Medical develops pharmaceuticals for treatment of autoimmune diabetes.   
The worldwide cost for treatment of diabetes and its complications exceeds USD  
230 billion per year (International Diabetes Federation). Diamyd Medical's most 
advanced project is the diabetes vaccine Diamyd® for treatment of type 1        
diabetes. The vaccine has been shown to have the potential to stop or delay the 
break-down of insulin-producing beta cells in recent-onset type 1 diabetes, as  
reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, October 2008. It has been shown
in the “Diabetes Control and Complications Trial” (NIH/NIDDK 1983-1993) that a  
residual insulin-producing capacity reduces the risk for diabetes complications 
by more than 60 percent in type 1 diabetes. The Diamyd® diabetes vaccine is     
currently in large scale Phase III programs in Europe and the US. The company   
plans to submit its New Drug Application in 2011.                               

A hypothesis is that by first stopping the autoimmune attack in type 1 diabetes 
with the Diamyd® diabetes vaccine, and then stimulating regeneration of beta    
cells, the insulin-producing capacity could be restored. The company has        
recently disclosed a planned NIH/NIDDK study with Diamyd® in combination with   
beta cell stimulating agents aimed at preserving or restoring the               
insulin-producing capacity in type 1 diabetes patients.                         

Previously, Diamyd Medical has established similar partnerships with key opinion
leaders in the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet network in the US, which is now         
initiating a study with Diamyd® in 126 patients. Diamyd Medical also works with 
two of the most prominent type 1 diabetes research groups in the Nordic         
countries with a focus on preventing the disease.                               

In a proprietary gene therapy program, Diamyd Medical is currently investigating
its Nerve Targeting Drug Delivery System (NTDDS) in a Phase I clinical trial    
with delivery of enkephalin to patients with chronic pain.                      

For more information, please contact:                                           
Elisabeth Lindner, President and CEO Diamyd Medical AB (publ.),                 
Phone: +46-8-661 00 26                                                          

For pictures and press material, please contact:                                
Sonja Catani, Chief Communications Officer Diamyd Medical AB (publ.),           
Phone: +46-8-661 00 26                                                          

This information is disclosed in accordance with the Securities Markets Act, the
Financial Instruments Trading Act or demands made in the exchange rules.        

Diamyd Medical is a Swedish biopharmaceutical company focusing on development of
pharmaceuticals for treatment of autoimmune diabetes and its complications. The 
company's most advanced project is the GAD-based drug Diamyd® for type 1        
diabetes  for which Phase III trials are ongoing in both the US and Europe.     
Furthermore, the company has started clinical studies within chronic pain, using
its Nerve Targeting Drug Delivery System (NTDDS). The company has also          
out-licensed the use of GAD for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.           

Diamyd Medical has offices in Sweden and in the US. The share is quoted on the  
OMX Stockholm Nordic Exchange (ticker: DIAM B) and on OTCQX in the US (ticker:  
DMYDY) administered by the Pink Sheets and the Bank of New York (PAL). Further  
information is available on the company's web site: www.diamyd.com

