Marketing in 2009 -- Consumer Preference, Mobile and New Media Takeover

2009, a Marketing Perspective From Voice and Mobile Marketing Firm, SmartReply

IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 9, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After the changes and mammoth upheavals in 2008 -- everything from job security, to consumer spending, to the reorganization of K Street and beyond -- we'd be forgiven for thinking that 2009 will be all about the end of the world as we know it.

"Actually, it might be," says Eric Holmen, president of SmartReply, a leading voice and mobile marketing solutions provider to American retailers. "In this year of the Ox, a different world order is already shaping the country. Consumers' spending habits are changing, largely through necessity, and businesses are having to adjust quickly -- or perish." Holmen says that companies are being forced to rethink their strategy and justify their existence. What worked for marketers in 2007-2008 is no longer indication of success in 2009. To the contrary; sticking to outdated and less effective ways of reaching consumers may actually land businesses right where they don't want to be.

In this year of immense change -- one that will be defined by cost-effectiveness and value -- marketers and businesses will be seeking better ways to develop, optimize and hang on to relationships with their customers. They'll be forced to think beyond the traditional -- to go social, to go mobile, to think more marketing pull and less advertising push.

And they'll be looking to lead the way, with compelling ideas to reach consumers through emerging mediums, and embrace change head on.

"At SmartReply, we don't have a crystal ball this year, but we see 2009 as a year of great opportunity," says Holmen. "We believe this year marks the start of another era in marketing -- the era of choice, consumer preference and the rise of new media. And we've created a top 10 list of what any business -- regardless of their industry -- should be thinking about to see it through another New Year."

Here's an excerpt of SmartReply's marketing perspective:

 #10  Cash is King...and so is the Consumer -- Who are the Choice
      Generation(tm) and why businesses need them more than ever.
 #9   Let Them Have Cake and Coupons -- Delivering brands right into
      the palms of cash-strapped consumers.
 #8   See Kids? No-Cost Can be Fun -- Social networking, the ultimate
      no-cost entertainment that's on the radar of marketers everywhere.
 #7   Give Us Some Privacy, Please! -- New marketing legislation will
      affect the way businesses talk with their customers.
 #6   The Bold and the Innovators -- Not letting recession fears and
      inertia get in the way of great brands.
 #5   The Great Schlep: 2.0 Migrates to Mobile -- In 2009, technology
      and mobile innovations will make the mobile phone truly
      indispensable to millions.
 #4   The Miracle of 2009? -- Entrepreneurs and small businesses will
      come to the rescue this year.
 #3   It's All About the Numbers, Baby -- Don't know what you can't
      measure, right? Right.
 #2   Tell Me You Love Me -- Existing clients are your most valuable
      asset, so hang on to them.
 #1   The Marketing Puzzle for Retailers -- Rising to the marketing
      challenge in 2009.

To read SmartReply's entire Marketing Perspective for 2009, please click here, or contact Jennifer Rodrigues at, or visit for more details.

About SmartReply

SmartReply provides innovative voice messaging and mobile marketing solutions to a wide range of retail, financial and healthcare companies across the US and Canada. Founded in 2001, the company leverages innovative marketing technologies to drive down costs while optimizing response rates and enhancing brand affinity. SmartReply offers companies a powerful combination of new media communication channels including voice marketing, mobile marketing, email and interactive voice response and, to-date, has delivered almost two billion unique and targeted messages. Headquartered in Irvine, California, information for partners and clients can be found at or by calling (800)-785-6769.


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