Results for 2008

Results for 2008 

The quarter (Unless otherwise stated, the report relates to the continuing
operations, i.e. excluding the tubular business) *)
•	Sales increased by 7% to SEK 13,063 (12,204) million, of which SSAB North
America accounted for SEK 4,483 (3,597) million                                 
•	Operating profit was SEK 979 (2,574) million, of which SSAB North America
contributed SEK 789 (840) million. Excluding non-recurring items, the operating
profit was SEK 1,477 (2,526) million            
•	Profit after financial items was SEK 841 (2,093) million and, excluding
non-recurring items, SEK 1,339 (2,296) million                
•	Profit after tax was SEK 833 (1,512) million, entailing earnings per share of
SEK 2.66 (4.60)        
•	The cash flow from current operations for the entire operations amounted to
SEK 1,366 (1,344) million                 
•	Due to changes in the SEK/USD exhange rate, the net debt/equity ratio during
the quarter increased to 48%       

The full year (Unless otherwise stated, the report relates to the continuing
operations, i.e. excluding the tubular business) *)
•	Sales increased by 34% to SEK 54,329 (40,441) million, of which SSAB North
America accounted for SEK 16,745 (6,107) million          
•	Operating profit was SEK 9,516 (7,923) million, of which SSAB North America
contributed SEK 2,951 (1,383) million. Excluding non-recurring items, the
operating profit was SEK 9,900 (8,396) million                                  
•	Profit after financial items was SEK 8,953 (6,964) million and, excluding
non-recurring items, SEK 9,191 (7,949) million 
•	Profit after tax was SEK 6,508 (5,035) million, an increase of 29%, entailing
earnings per share of SEK 19.90 (16.63)           
•	The cash flow from current operations for the entire operations amounted to
SEK 5,387 (3,574) million, an improvement of 51%                          
•	The return on capital employed for the most recent twelve-month period was 17
(18)% and the return on equity was 22 (22)%
•	A dividend is proposed of SEK 4.00 (5.00) per share, equal to SEK 1,296
(1,620) million.                                  

*) The discontinued operations have been removed from the income statements and
are reported solely as Profit after tax for discontinued operations. The balance
sheet includes the discontinued operations until the divestment on June 12,
2008. The results for the discontinued operations have been affected by interest
expenses corresponding to the net purchase price received in conjunction with
the sale. SSAB North America is included in the Group commencing July 18, 2007.

CEO's comments
The fourth quarter of 2008 was significantly weaker than the same quarter of
last year. SSAB's operating profit excluding non-recurring items fell by 42%
compared with the same period of last year, to SEK 1,477 million. Demand fell
sharply within all customer segments and in all geographic markets. As a
consequence, in December we decided on a savings program with the aim of
achieving annual savings of SEK 1 billion, with full effect commencing 2010. 
Notwithstanding the weak market trend in the United States, our North American
division was the only division which approached last year's profit during the
quarter. This was possible thanks to the sharp fall in scrap metal prices, a
flexible cost base and a stronger USD.                          
Profit for the full year of 2008 was very strong, the highest ever in the
Company's history, with an operating profit of SEK 9,516 million. We increased
the share of niche products to 33% of our deliveries. 
Due to the sharp slowdown in demand for steel as a consequence of the financial
crisis, the prospects for the first quarter of 2009 are extremely weak. Prices
are falling and production volumes are expected to be low. During January, the
degree of utilization of our production lines was significantly below normal and
no clear signs of recovery from this level can be discerned at present. The
demand situation that we are now witnessing is partly due to the liquidation of
abnormally large inventories throughout the entire production chain out to end
customers, and this liquidation must be completed before demand for steel
increases again. In the current market conditions, SSAB will demonstrate a
slightly negative result for the first quarter of 2009.
Project planning is continuing with respect to SSAB's ongoing investment program
of SEK 5.3 billion, at the same time as firm orders regarding parts of the
program have been put on hold. The target of completing the investment program
by 2012 remains in place. 
In response to the new market conditions, a number of measures have been taken,
such as the ongoing cost savings program, an increased focus on cash flow, and
efforts to increase sales. These measures, together with SSAB's niche strategy
and the close cooperation with our customers, make the Company well positioned
to handle the difficult market situation and we are well prepared for the day
when market conditions improve. For example, it should be mentioned that the
number of development programs carried out with our customers in order to
increase the use of high-strength steels has reached a record level. 
In the slightly longer term, my assessment is that the steel market will develop
positively as soon as activities to develop infrastructure, housing and
transport once again pick up steam throughout the world. Demand for our niche
products will continue to benefit from increased demands resulting from
environmental awareness and energy efficiency.
Olof Faxander, President and CEO 

SSAB invites to a press- and analysts briefing at 10:00 a.m CET, at World Trade
Center (WTC), Kungsbron 1, Conference room Manhattan. The briefing will be live
web casted on SSAB's web site at Instructions how to participate
in the web cast will be available on SSAB web site, including presentation
material for downloading. If you want to participate in the press conference via
telephone or if you want to ask questions during the press conference, please
dial the following numbers: +46 (0)8 505 598 53 (Sweden), +44 (0)20 3043 2436
(UK), +1 866 458 40 87 (USA). Should you have questions regarding the webcast,
please contact Heidi Wendt, phone: +46 (8) 45 45 756.

For further information, please contact: 
Helena Stålnert, Executive Vice President, Communications 		Phone: +46 8 45 45
Catarina Ihre, Director, Investor Relations			         Phone: +46 706 07 92 63  

SSAB, a global niche producer of high strength steel with a leading market
position and productivity, develops solutions in order to increase the
competitiveness of its customers.

This information is such that SSAB must disclose in accordance with the
Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication on
February 11, 2009 at 08.00 am.

