Forstædernes Bank A/S reduces outstanding bond amount in bond ID 3011917, ISIN DK0030119177

In accordance with the information material dated 5 December 2008, Forstædernes
Bank A/S has decided to buy back a nominal amount of DKK 300,000,000 of bonds in
bond ID 3011917, ISIN DK0030119177.

Forstædernes Bank A/S has cancelled the bonds and has requested VP Securities
Services (Værdipapircentralen A/S) to reduce the nominal outstanding amount by
300,000,000 to a nominal amount of DKK 1,700,000,000. 

Contact person:
Steffen Torvits, Investor Relations and Press Manager, tel. +45 22 22 20 36

This announcement has been issued both in Danish and English. In case of any
discrepancies, the Danish version shall prevail.


forstdernes bank reduces outstanding bond amount in bond id 3011917 - 12.2.09.pdf