Year-end Report 2008

Press Release, 12 February, 2009 (13 pages)
BioGaia AB Year-end Report 2008
(Figures in brackets refer to the same period of last year)
* Net sales amounted to SEK 145.2 million (106.6), an increase of SEK
  38.6 million (36%) compared to the previous year.
* Operating profit was SEK 25.8 million (8.9), up by SEK 16.9 million
  compared to the previous year.
* Profit before tax was SEK 24.0 million (10.7), an improvement of
  SEK 13.3 million compared to the previous year. This figure
  includes an unrealised foreign exchange loss of SEK 4.5 million on
  forward exchange contracts.
* Profit after tax was SEK 36.1 million (19.7), an increase of SEK
  16.4 million compared to the previous year. Profit for the period
  includes a deferred tax benefit of SEK 12.1 million (9.0).
* Earnings per share were SEK 2.10 (1.14).
* The year's cash flow from operating activities before change in
  working capital was SEK 32.4 million (15.8). Total cash flow for
  the year was SEK 14.3 (3.3). Cash and cash equivalents at 31
  December 2008 amounted to SEK 58.1 million (43.0).
* The Board proposes to the upcoming AGM that a dividend be paid to
  the shareholders.

  Key events in the fourth quarter of 2008
* BioGaia invests in LifeTop Cap through new subsidiary - CapAble AB.
* New study confirms that BioGaia's oral health products counteract
* Agreement with Delta Medical for the sale of BioGaia's Probiotic
  drops and tablets in Kazakhstan and tablets in Ukraine.
* Agreement with Ferring for the sale of BioGaia's Probiotic drops in
  Ireland and drops and tablets in the Middle East.
* Delivery of LifeTop Straw to China started.
* BioGaia's subsidiary CapAble signs agreement with Mass Probiotics
  for the sale of LifeTop Cap in North America.

  Key events after the end of the financial year
* BioGaia's subsidiary CapAble signs agreement with Aqua Scandik for
  the sale of LifeTop Cap with Reuteri in Mexico."I am very pleased with BioGaia's continued sales growth and
  dramatic increase in earnings during the past year, which has
  motivated the Board to propose payment of a shareholder dividend.
  Because of our strong financial position, this limited capital
  outflow will not affect our opportunities for expansion. We are
  seeing sustained strong demand for our products and expect to
  launch our products in many new countries during 2009," says
  President Peter Rothschild.

  Latest press releases from BioGaia:
  2009-01-12 CapAble signs agreement in Mexico
  2008-12-19 BioGaia's subsidiary CapAble signs agreement for
  LifeTop(TM) Cap in North America
  2008-12-15 BioGaia signs distribution agreement for Ireland and
  Middle East

  For additional information contact Peter Rothschild, President,
  telephone: +46 8 -555 293 00
  Jan Annwall, Executive Vice President, telephone: +46 8 - 555 293

  BioGaia is a biotechnology company that develops, markets and sells
  probiotic products with documented health benefits. The products
  are primarily based on the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus
  reuteri (Reuteri), which has probiotic, health-enhancing effects.
  The class B share of the Parent Company BioGaia AB is quoted on the
  Small Cap list of the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm.

