Financial statement release                                                 
12 February 2009 at 8.00 am                                                     


October-December net sales on the previous year level, order backlog good.      

Key Figures for the Fourth Quarter                                              
Net sales EUR 23.2 million (October-December 2007: 24.0)                        
Operating profit EUR 2.9 million (7.5)                                          
Earnings per share EUR 0.02 (0.05)                                              
Order backlog EUR 38.8 million (35.1)                                           
Financial position remains solid                                                

Based on 2008 earnings, the Board of Directors proposes a dividend of EUR 0.04  
(0.06) per share be paid.                                                       

The financial information in this stock exchange release is based on the        
company's audited financial statements. The auditor's report was issued on 11   
February 2009.                                                                  

Sami Erviö, President and CEO:                                                  
”During the last quarter of the year, Comptel's business performance was        
satisfactory while the net sales reached a similar level to the previous year,  
which had included a significant deal with IBM India. Notably the growth in the 
Middle East and Africa compensated the poor performance in Europe. However, the 
operating profit decreased significantly from the previous year due to Axiom    
Systems and increased costs.                                                    

In October-December, Comptel sold nine new core licenses in Europe, Middle East 
and Africa and in Asia Pacific. The order backlog grew by approximately 10 per  
cent from the previous year mainly as a result of Axiom Systems.                

We completed the integration of Axiom Systems, which was acquired in the first  
half of 2008. Further, in accordance with the strategy, we strengthened our     
local presence by establishing a customer service centre in Bulgaria.           

In 2008, the growth of net sales remained low as a result of a weak order intake
in Europe. Profitability decreased from the previous year due to the            
consolidation of Axiom Systems. However, thanks to the acquisition and          
significant R&D investments we extended our solution offering remarkably during 
2008 and simultaneously strengthened our strategic position.”                   

Summary of January-December 2008                                                

Net sales EUR 84.8 million (2007: 82.4)                                         
Operating profit EUR 11.4 million (16.5)                                        
Earnings per share EUR 0.06 (0.10)                                              
Number of employees at the year end 653 (554)                                   

The net sales of Comptel Group were EUR 84.8 million in 2008 (82.4). Net sales  
grew by 3.0 per cent (2.4) compared to the previous year. The growth of net     
sales was smaller than expected due to decreased net sales in Europe.           

The Group's operating profit was EUR 11.4 million (16.5), being 13.4 per cent   
(20.0) of the net sales. The operating profit excluding approximately EUR 1.1   
million one-off items, mainly related to the integration of Axiom Systems, was  
EUR 12.5 million corresponding 14.7 per cent of the net sales. In the fourth    
quarter, operating profit was EUR 2.9 million (7.5), which corresponds 12.3 per 
cent (31.2) of the net sales.                                                   

EUR 0.2 million of bad debts from trade receivables were recorded during the    
last quarter of the year (1.2). Bad debts consist of several small receivables  
older than one year.                                                            

Net financial items were EUR 0.9 million negative (0.2 negative). The Group's   
profit before taxes was EUR 10.6 million (16.4), representing 12.5 per cent     
(19.9) of the net sales. Group net profit was EUR 6.6 million (10.9). Earnings  
per share for the financial period were EUR 0.06 (0.10).                        

The tax rate for the year was 37.5 per cent (33.8), which was impacted by a     
double taxation due to withholding taxes amounting to approximately EUR 1.5     
million (1.1). Ministry of Finance notified that it had reached an agreement in 
its negotiations with Greece, Malaysia and Romania. With regard to these        
countries, Comptel booked a tax receivable amounting to EUR 0.7 million for the 
years 2004-2008. Comptel expects to receive the tax refund within a short period
of time. With regard to other countries, the application submitted by Comptel to
prevent double taxation is still pending with the Ministry of Finance. The      
company believes the treatment of its withholding taxation will be changed.     

During the last quarter, tax expenses were reduced by the tax receivables booked
for withholding taxes and a tax credit received by Axiom Systems based on its   
R&D investments.                                                                

The Group's order backlog increased from the previous year as a result of Axiom 
Systems and was EUR 38.8 million at the end of the period under review (35.1).  
Compared to the previous quarter, order backlog grew by 29.3 per cent (30       
September 2008: 30.0) mainly due to a stronger stock of maintenance agreements. 

In April, Comptel strengthened its position as a leading provider of service    
fulfillment solutions by acquiring Axiom Systems, a UK-based software product   
company. The acquisition gives Comptel a strong position to capitalize the      
growing investments of telecom service providers to new IP-based services, like 
VoIP and IPTV. Axiom is specialised in the broadband market and has a good      
market position in Europe as well as key customers in Asia-Pacific. The         
integration of Axiom System was completed during the last quarter of the year.  

Business Areas                                                                  

| Net sales, EUR       |   1-12 |   1-12 |  Change |  10-12 |  10-12 |  Change |
| million              |   2008 |   2007 |       % |   2008 |   2007 |       % |
| Europe               |   40.8 |   48.5 |   -15.9 |    9.8 |   12.6 |   -22.4 |
| Middle East and      |   15.3 |    9.8 |    56.1 |    5.0 |    2.9 |    75.7 |
| Africa               |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| Americas             |    7.9 |    7.2 |     9.5 |    2.4 |    1.8 |    32.5 |
| Asia-Pacific         |   20.9 |   16.9 |    23.6 |    5.9 |    6.7 |   -12.3 |
| Total                |   84.8 |   82.4 |     3.0 |   23.2 |   24.0 |    -3.6 |
| Operating profit by  |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| market area, EUR     |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| million              |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| Europe               |   20.9 |   28.3 |   -26.1 |    3.3 |    7.1 |   -53.2 |
| Middle East and      |    8.9 |    5.7 |    56.6 |    3.1 |    1.7 |    87.8 |
| Africa               |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| Americas             |    4.2 |    3.9 |     7.6 |    1.3 |    0.7 |    89.3 |
| Asia-Pacific         |    9.3 |    9.5 |    -1.9 |    1.3 |    4.5 |   -71.7 |
| Unallocated costs    |  -32.0 |  -30.9 |     3.5 |   -6.2 |   -6.4 |       - |
| Total                |   11.4 |   16.5 |   -31.1 |    2.9 |    7.5 |   -61.9 |
| Operating profit, as |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| per cent of net      |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| sales                |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| Europe               |   51.3 |   58.3 |       - |   33.9 |   56.3 |       - |
| Middle East and      |   58.6 |   58.4 |       - |   62.4 |   58.4 |       - |
| Africa               |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| Americas             |   53.1 |   54.1 |       - |   53.8 |   37.7 |       - |
| Asia-Pacific         |   44.8 |   56.5 |       - |   21.4 |   66.2 |       - |
| Total                |   13.4 |   20.0 |       - |   12.3 |   31.2 |       - |

In 2008, net sales grew significantly in the Middle East and Africa and in      
Asia-Pacific. In Europe, net sales decreased as a result of a decelerating      
market and a lower demand of the customer specific solutions offered in Finland 
and Norway during the second half of the year. The proportional profitability   
remained good in the Middle East and Africa; in Europe and Asia-Pacific         
profitability was hit by the consolidation of Axiom Systems.                    

In 2008, Comptel sold a total of 21 (28) new core licenses of which eight were  
Comptel Provisioning and Activation Solutions, eight Comptel Mediation and      
Charging Solutions, two Comptel Interconnect Billing Solutions, one Comptel     
Fulfillment Solution, one Comptel Inventory Solution, and one Comptel Service   
Repository Solution. Nine licenses were sold in Europe, three in the Middle East
and Africa, eight in Asia-Pacific and one in the Americas.                      

In October-December, Comptel sold nine (15) new core licenses of which four were
Comptel Provisioning and Activation Solutions, two Comptel Mediation and        
Charging Solutions, one Comptel Inventory Solution, one Comptel Service         
Repository Solution and one Comptel Interconnect Billing Solution. Four licenses
were sold in Asia-Pacific, three in Europe and two in the Middle East and       

| Net sales breakdown  |   1-12 |   1-12 |  Change |  10-12 |  10-12 |  Change |
| by type, EUR million |   2008 |   2007 |       % |   2008 |   2007 |       % |
| Licenses             |   27.4 |   27.8 |    -1.4 |    8.1 |   10.1 |   -19.3 |
| Services and         |   57.5 |   54.6 |     5.2 |   15.0 |   14.0 |     7.7 |
| Maintenance          |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| Total                |   84.8 |   82.4 |     3.0 |   23.2 |   24.0 |    -3.6 |

There were no significant changes in the breakdown of net sales.                

| Net sales by sales   |   1-12 |   1-12 |  Change |  10-12 |  10-12 | Change% |
| channel, EUR million |   2008 |   2007 |       % |   2008 |   2007 |         |
| Direct Sales         |   60.4 |   60.6 |    -0.4 |   16.4 |   15.0 |     8.7 |
| Partner Sales        |   24.5 |   21.8 |    12.5 |    6.8 |    9.0 |   -24.3 |
| Total                |   84.8 |   82.4 |     3.0 |   23.2 |   24.0 |    -3.6 |

The share of partner sales was increased due to the consolidation of Axiom      
Systems and the significant agreement with IBM India to deliver and maintain    
Comptel Convergent Charging Solution for an Indian telecom operator.            

Financial Position                                                              

| EUR million                          | 31 Dec 2008 | 31 Dec 2007 |  Change % |
| Balance sheet total                  |        83.0 |        73.6 |      12.7 |
| Liquid assets                        |         6.1 |        14.7 |     -58.3 |
| Trade receivables                    |        27.6 |        27.1 |       2.0 |
| Accrued income                       |         9.2 |         8.6 |       6.9 |
| Deferred income related to partial   |         1.8 |         2.7 |     -33.8 |
| debiting                             |             |             |           |
| Interest-bearing debt                |         5.1 |         0.0 |         - |
| Equity ratio, %                      |        67.4 |        77.6 |         - |

The balance sheet total on 31 December 2008 was EUR 83.0 million (73.6), of     
which liquid assets amounted to EUR 6.1 million (14.7). Liquid assets were      
reduced by the acquisition of Axiom Systems and the investments in product      
development. The operating cash flow was EUR 7.9 million (12.8), the paid       
dividends were EUR 6.4 million (5.4) and the net investments were EUR 15.3      
million (4.9) in January-December. The operating cash flow was decreased by a   
lower operational profitability and a decelerating turnover of trade            

Trade receivables at the end of the period were EUR 27.6 million (27.1). Accrued
income was EUR 9.2 million (8.6). Deferred income related to partial debiting   
was EUR 1.8 million (2.7).                                                      

The Group had EUR 5.1 million of interest-bearing debt at the date of the       
financial statements (0.0). Comptel has in force a revolving credit facility of 
EUR 15.0 million maturing in the year 2013, of which EUR 10.0 million is still  
to be withdrawn. Equity ratio was 67.4 per cent (77.6) and the gearing ratio was
2.1 negative (28.2 negative).                                                   

Investments, Research and Development (R&D)                                     

| EUR million          |   1-12 |   1-12 |  Change |  10-12 |  10-12 |  Change |
|                      |   2008 |   2007 |       % |   2008 |   2007 |       % |
| Gross investments in |   10.9 |    1.9 |   472.3 |    0.4 |    0.2 |   118.5 |
| property, plant and  |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| equipment and        |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| intangible assets    |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| Direct R&D           |   14.0 |   10.3 |    35.6 |    3.8 |    2.9 |    28.1 |
| expenditure and      |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| investments          |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| Capitalisation of    |    4.6 |    2.9 |    56.3 |    1.0 |    1.0 |    -5.9 |
| R&D expenditure      |        |        |         |        |        |         |
| according to IAS 38  |        |        |         |        |        |         |

Comptel Corporation acquired Axiom Systems for GBP 7.0 million (EUR 8.9 million)
on 21 April 2008. The acquisition was financed through Comptel Corporation's    
liquid assets and by raising a debt. In accordance with the agreement, no       
additional purchase price will be paid since the net sales of Axiom Systems were
below EUR 13.5 million in 2008.                                                 

Excluding the acquisition, the gross investments in tangible and intangible     
assets were EUR 1.5 million (1.9) in 2008 and comprised of investments in       
devices, software and furnishing. The investments were funded through cash flow 
from operations.                                                                

The increase in the direct R&D expenditure and investments was due to the effect
of the Axiom acquisition and further investments in product development in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. To meet the requirements of IAS 38, Comptel has modified its  
accounting principles for the capitalisation of development costs and of costs  
related to internal projects. A share of the fixed costs defined separately, is 
included in the cost of development and internal projects to which they are     
related. In the review period, these costs amounted to EUR 0.5 million. The     
change has a positive impact on the operating profit.                           

Comptel's R&D expenditure and investments were mainly targeted to develop new   
dynamic end-to-end solutions, which shorten time-to-market for new services and 
enable service providers to charge for them.                                    


|                                       |    31 Dec |     31 Dec |    Change % |
|                                       |      2008 |       2007 |             |
| Number of employees at the end of     |       653 |        554 |        17.9 |
| period                                |           |            |             |

|                                 |    1-12 2008 |   1-12 2007 |      Change % |
| Average number of personnel     |          606 |         555 |           9.2 |
| during the period               |              |             |               |

Number of employees grew significantly following the acquisition of Axiom       
Systems. In addition, Comptel strengthened its regional organisation with new   

The personnel expenses in October-December were 42.9 per cent of net sales      
(35.5) and in January-December 45.9 per cent of net sales (41.2).               

At the end of the year 46.2 per cent (60.3) of the personnel were located in    
Finland, 13.5 per cent (17.7) in Norway, 15.0 per cent (10.3) in Malaysia and   
10.9 per cent (0.7) in the United Kingdom.                                      

Comptel's Share                                                                 

The closing price of the year 2008 was 0.69 euros (1.42). Comptel's market value
at the end of the year was EUR 73.8 million (151.7).                            

| Comptel share     |   1-12 |   1-12 | Change |   10-12 |   10-12 |  Change % |
|                   |   2008 |   2007 |      % |    2008 |    2007 |           |
| Shares traded,    |   30.5 |   57.5 |  -47.0 |     7.3 |    16.9 |     -57.1 |
| million           |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Shares traded,    |   39.7 |  106.0 |  -62.6 |    6.9  |    25.9 |     -73.3 |
| EUR million       |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Highest price,    |   1.58 |   2.29 |  -31.0 |    1.29 |    1.97 |     -34.5 |
| EUR               |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Lowest price, EUR |   0.60 |   1.36 |  -55.9 |    0.60 |    1.36 |     -55.9 |
Of Comptel's outstanding shares, 6.7 per cent were nominee registered or held by
foreign shareholders at the end of the review period.                           

Of the share options 2006C distributed during the year 2008, a total of         
1,292,000 are held by the key personnel of Comptel Corporation. The current     
share subscription price for option 2006C is EUR 1.48, which corresponds to the 
trade volume weighted average quotation of the Comptel Corporation share on the 
Helsinki stock exchange during 1 April - 30 April 2008.                         

During the year, also a number of 210,000 share options 2006B were distributed. 
Of the share options 2006B, a total of 1,248,000 are held by the key personnel  
of Comptel Corporation. The current share subscription price for option 2006B is
EUR 1.93, which corresponds to the trade volume weighted average quotation of   
the Comptel Corporation share on the Helsinki stock exchange during 1 April - 30
April 2007 deducted by the dividend paid for the year 2007.                     

Comptel Corporation's 2006A share options were listed on Helsinki stock exchange
commencing from 3 November 2008. The trading code for the share options 2006A is
CTL1VEW106 and ISIN code is FI0009652390. The current share subscription price  
is EUR 1.73 which corresponds to the trade volume weighted average quotation of 
the Comptel share on the Helsinki stock exchange during 1 April - 30 April 2006 
deducted by the dividends paid.                                                 
The share subscription period of all Comptel Corporation 2001 share options     
expired on 31 December 2008. During the subscription period no shares were      

During the year 2008, Comptel Corporation disposed gratuitously 110,463 shares  
to persons involved in the 2007 share-based incentive program and 45,871 shares 
to the members of the Board of Directors as a part of their annual compensation.

The company held 92,654 of its own shares at the end of the period under review,
which is 0.09 per cent of the total number of its shares. The total counter-book
value of the shares held by the company was EUR 1,853.                          

Corporate Governance                                                            

Mr. Gareth Senior was nominated as a member of Comptel Group's Executive Board  
starting from 21 April 2008. He acts as CTO of Comptel Group.                   

CFO of Comptel Corporation, Mr. Veli Matti Salmenkylä, gave his resignation on  
15 December 2008. He will continue to be employed by Comptel during his notice  
period until 15 March 2009. Comptel started the recruitment of a new CFO        

Subsequent Events                                                               

Comptel developed further its organisational structure in January 2009 by       
combining the European sales and customer service units and by establishing a   
unit concentrating on Alliances and Sales Development and a unit for Strategic  
Marketing. The new organisation accomplishes the organisational change          
implemented in the beginning of 2008, which improved business management close  
to customers and combined the product units.                                    

Starting from the beginning of 2009, the Group Executives are Mr. Sami Erviö,   
President and CEO, the business area leaders Mr. Harri Palviainen (Europe), Mr. 
Youssef Kermoury (Middle East and Africa), Mr. Mika Korpinen (Asia-Pacific) and 
Mr. Ricardo Carreon (Americas), Mr. Minesh Patel responsible for Alliances and  
Sales Development, Ms. Arnhild Schia responsible for Strategic Marketing, Mr.   
Simo Sääskilahti responsible for Products and Solutions, Mr. Gareth Senior, CTO,
Mr. Veli Matti Salmenkylä, CFO responsible for Administration, Ms. Niina        
Pesonen, responsible for Human Resources, and Mr. Markku Järvenpää responsible  
for Global Operations Support.                                                  

In January-February 2009, Comptel was engaged in personnel negotiations. As a   
result of these negotiations the company decided to make 45 people redundant on 
financial and production grounds. Comptel Corporation's subsidiaries in Norway  
and United Kingdom also took actions to downsize the amount of personnel under  
the local legal requirements and collective agreements. The annual cost         
reduction expected is EUR 2.3 million in Norway. In the United Kingdom, the     
actions taken will lead to annual cost savings of EUR 1.0 million. With these   
measures the Group will reach annual cost savings of approximately EUR 7 million
out of which EUR 2 million are estimated to be realised in 2009. By reducing    
costs and renewing the organisation Comptel aims to ensure the Group's long-term
profitability and competitiveness.                                              

In January 2009, the Board of Directors of Comptel Corporation approved a new   
share-based incentive plan for the key personnel of Comptel Group. The aim of   
the plan is to combine the objectives of the shareholders and the key personnel 
in order to increase the value of the company, to commit the key personnel to   
the company, and to offer them a competitive reward plan based on holding the   
company shares.                                                                 

Near-term Risks and Uncertainties                                               

The rapid weakening of world economy and credit facility combined with an       
exceptional fluctuation in exchange rates has led to a strong decrease of demand
in many industries. The growth has decelerated also in the Operations Support   
Systems market especially in Europe. In other regions, any strong decelerating  
of the markets has not been perceived yet.                                      

Comptel develops dynamic end-to-end solutions for leading operators in the      
telecom field. This requires Comptel to understand correctly the trends taking  
place in its business environment and the needs of its customers and resellers. 
Failure to identify market conditions, address customers' needs and develop its 
products in a timely way may significantly undermine the growth and             
profitability of Comptel's business.                                            

Comptel operates globally so it is exposed to risks arising from different      
currency positions. Exchange rate changes between the euro, which is the        
company's reporting currency, and the US dollar, UK pound sterling and Norwegian
krone affect the company's net sales, expenses and net profit.                  

Comptel renewed its organisation in January 2009. The company's global success  
is based on skilled personnel and a responsive customer-oriented organisation.  
Due to a weakened profitability the company has to reduce costs in Europe       
simultaneously when implementing the new organisation. The organisational change
may have a harmful effect on Comptel's business and especially on its           
profitability. The success requires skilful change management, retaining        
competent employees and developing their skills further.                        

The application submitted by Comptel to prevent double taxation is still pending
with the Ministry of Finance. The company believes the treatment of its         
withholding taxation will be changed also concerning the countries where the    
issue is still unsolved. However, double taxation may have an impact on the     
company's earnings per share.                                                   

The risks related to operations of the company will be described further as a   
part of the financial statements and report of the board of directors for 2008. 

Outlook for 2009                                                                

The worldwide economic situation has raised further uncertainty and weakened the
visibility also in the global Operations Support Systems markets. In 2009, the  
markets are expected to remain at the previous year level or to decline slightly
in Europe. In other regions the markets are expected to remain at the previous  
year level or to grow slightly. The company's order backlog is at a higher level
than in the previous year, mainly as a result of a strong stock of maintenance  

It is estimated that Comptel's net sales will remain at the previous year level 
or to decline slightly in 2009. Comptel's operating profit is estimated not to  
reach the previous year's level. In early 2009, the profitability will remain   
especially low due to the one-off items related to personnel reductions. The    
impact of these measures will follow only later.                                

Board of Directors' Proposal for the Disposal of Profits                        

The Group parent company's distributable equity on 31 December 2008 was EUR     
35,326,977.62 (37,474,272.96).                                                  

The Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting that a dividend of EUR   
0.04 (0.06) per share be paid, totalling EUR 4,278,486.24 (6,408,868.14).       

Helsinki, 11 February 2009                                                      

Board of Directors                                                              

Sami Erviö                                                                      
President and CEO                                                               

TABLE PART                                                                      

The financial information in this stock exchange release is based on the        
company's audited financial statements. The auditor's report was issued on 11   
February 2009.                                                                  

All figures in the financial report have been rounded and consequently the sum  
of the individual figures can deviate from the sum figure.                      

| Consolidated Income Statement  | 1 Jan - | 1 Jan -  |    1 Oct -  |  1 Oct-  |
| (EUR 1,000)                    |  31 Dec |   31 Dec | 31 Dec 2008 |   31 Dec |
|                                |    2008 |     2007 |             |     2007 |
| Net sales                      |  84,849 |   82,399 |      23,161 |   24,032 |
| Other operating income         |      81 |       57 |          13 |       46 |
| Materials and services         |  -6,906 |   -7,973 |      -2,076 |   -1,385 |
| Employee benefits              | -38,930 |  -33,989 |      -9,936 |   -8,523 |
| Depreciation, amortisation and |  -4,881 |   -4,340 |      -1,129 |   -1,071 |
| impairment charges             |         |          |             |          |
| Other operating expenses       | -22,830 |  -19,635 |      -7,175 |   -5,590 |
|                                | -73,547 |  -65,938 |     -20,316 |  -16,569 |
| Operating profit               |  11,383 |   16,518 |       2,858 |    7,509 |
| Financial income               |   1,992 |      933 |       1,151 |      455 |
| Financial expenses             |  -2,913 |   -1,169 |      -1,794 |     -412 |
| Share of result of associated  |     136 |      113 |         136 |      113 |
| companies                      |         |          |             |          |
| Profit before income taxes     |  10,597 |   16,396 |       2,352 |    7,665 |
| Income taxes                   |  -3,972 |   -5,542 |         225 |   -2,640 |
| Profit for the period          |   6,625 |   10,854 |       2,576 |    5,025 |
| Attributable to:               |         |          |             |          |
| Equity holders of the parent   |   6,625 |   10,848 |       2,576 |    5,019 |
| company                        |         |          |             |          |
| Minority interests             |       - |        6 |           - |        6 |
| Shareholders of the parent     |         |          |             |          |
| company:                       |         |          |             |          |
| Earnings per share, EUR        |    0.06 |     0.10 |        0.02 |     0.05 |
| Earnings per share, diluted,   |    0.06 |     0.10 |        0.02 |     0.05 |
| EUR                            |         |          |             |          |

| Consolidated Balance Sheet (EUR 1,000) |      31 Dec 2008 |      31 Dec 2007 |
| Assets                                 |                  |                  |
| Non-current assets                     |                  |                  |
| Goodwill                               |           19,027 |           10,832 |
| Other intangible assets                |           11,978 |            8,312 |
| Tangible assets                        |            2,595 |            2,400 |
| Investments in associates              |              649 |              513 |
| Available-for sale financial assets    |               87 |               87 |
| Deferred tax assets                    |            1,153 |              782 |
| Other non-current assets               |              244 |                - |
|                                        |           35,734 |           22,926 |
| Current assets                         |                  |                  |
| Trade and other receivables            |           39,101 |           35,927 |
| Current tax assets                     |            2,005 |               70 |
| Cash and cash equivalents              |            6,135 |           14,708 |
|                                        |           47,241 |           50,705 |
| Total assets                           |           82,975 |           73,631 |
| Equity and liabilities                 |                  |                  |
| Equity attributable to equity holders  |                  |                  |
| of the parent company                  |                  |                  |
| Share capital                          |            2,141 |            2,141 |
| Fund of invested non-restricted equity |            7,433 |            7,368 |
| Translation difference                 |           -2,500 |             -817 |
| Retained earnings                      |           44,502 |           43,338 |
|                                        |           51,576 |           52,030 |
| Minority interest                      |                - |              116 |
| Total equity                           |           51,576 |           52,147 |
| Non-current liabilities                |                  |                  |
| Deferred tax liabilities               |            4,902 |            2,660 |
| Provisions                             |            2,937 |              776 |
| Non-current financial liabilities      |               12 |                - |
|                                        |            7,851 |            3,437 |
| Current liabilities                    |                  |                  |
| Trade and other current liabilities    |           18,331 |           17,912 |
| Current tax liabilities                |              176 |              136 |
| Current financial liabilities          |            5,040 |                - |
|                                        |           23,548 |           18,048 |
| Total liabilities                      |           31,399 |           21,485 |
| Total equity and liabilities           |           82,975 |           73,631 |

| Consolidated statement of cash flows  |   1 Jan -31 Dec | 1 Jan -31 Dec 2007 |
| (EUR 1,000)                           |            2008 |                    |
|                                       |                 |                    |
| Cash flows from operating activities  |                 |                    |
| Profit for the period                 |           6,625 |             10,854 |
| Adjustments:                          |                 |                    |
| Transactions without cash flow effect |           6,596 |              5,131 |
| Interest and other financial expenses |             159 |                 26 |
| Interest income                       |            -274 |               -357 |
| Income taxes                          |           3,972 |              5,542 |
| Change in working capital:            |                 |                    |
| Change in trade and other receivables |           1,277 |             -2,508 |
| Change in inventories                 |               - |                 18 |
| Change in trade and other current     |          -4,713 |             -2,115 |
| liabilities                           |                 |                    |
| Change in provisions                  |            -511 |                588 |
| Interest paid                         |            -157 |                -26 |
| Interest received                     |             262 |                301 |
| Income taxes paid                     |          -5,345 |             -4,638 |
| Net cash from operating activities    |           7,893 |             12,816 |
|                                       |                 |                    |
| Cash flows from investing activities  |                 |                    |
| Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of   |          -9,333 |                  - |
| cash                                  |                 |                    |
| Investments in tangible assets        |          -1,273 |             -1,441 |
| Investments in intangible assets      |             -93 |               -523 |
| Investments in development projects   |          -4,566 |             -2,921 |
| Net cash used in investing activities |         -15,265 |             -4,885 |
| Cash flows from financing activities  |                 |                    |
| Dividends paid                        |          -6,415 |             -5,365 |
| Acquisition of Corporation's own      |               - |               -792 |
| shares                                |                 |                    |
| Proceeds from borrowings              |           8,000 |                  - |
| Repayments of borrowing               |          -3,000 |                  - |
| Change in liabilities                 |             -35 |                  - |
| Net cash used in financing activities |          -1,450 |             -6,156 |
| Net change in cash and cash           |          -8,822 |              1,774 |
| equivalents                           |                 |                    |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the      |          14,708 |             12,934 |
| beginning of the period               |                 |                    |
| Effects of changes in foreign         |            -249 |                  - |
| exchange rates                        |                 |                    |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end  |           6,135 |             14,708 |
| of the period                         |                 |                    |
| Change                                |          -8,822 |              1,774 |
|                                       |                 |                    |

| Consolidated statement of changes in equity        |             |           |
| Equity attributable to equity holders  |           |             |           |
| of the parent company                  |           |             |           |
| EUR 1,000       |   Share |      Other | Translati |  Fair value |           |
|                 | capital |  reserves  |       on  |     reserve |           |
|                 |         |            | differenc |             |           |
|                 |         |            |        es |             |           |
| Equity at 31    |   2,141 |      7,368 |      -674 |        -37  |           |
| Dec 2006        |         |            |           |             |           |
| Cash flow       |         |            |           |             |           |
| hedges:         |         |            |           |             |           |
| gains and       |         |            |           |         115 |           |
| losses          |         |            |           |             |           |
| taken to equity |         |            |           |             |           |
| Translation     |         |            |      -143 |             |           |
| difference      |         |            |           |             |           |
| Profit for the  |         |            |           |             |           |
| period          |         |            |           |             |           |
| Total           |       - |          - |      -143 |         115 |           |
| recognized      |         |            |           |             |           |
| income and      |         |            |           |             |           |
| expense for the |         |            |           |             |           |
| period          |         |            |           |             |           |
| Dividends       |         |            |           |             |           |
| Acquisition of  |         |            |           |             |           |
| Corporation's   |         |            |           |             |           |
| own shares      |         |            |           |             |           |
| Transfer of     |         |            |           |             |           |
| treasury shares |         |            |           |             |           |
| Share-based     |         |            |           |             |           |
| compensation    |         |            |           |             |           |
| Equity at 31    |   2,141 |      7,368 |      -817 |          78 |           |
| Dec 2007        |         |            |           |             |           |
|                 |         |            |           |    Minority |    Equity |
|                 |         |            |           |    interest |     total |
| EUR 1,000       | Treasur |   Retained |     Total |             |           |
|                 |       y |   earnings |           |             |           |
|                 |  shares |            |           |             |           |
| Equity at 31    |       - |     37,818 |    46,616 |         145 |    46,761 |
| Dec 2006        |         |            |           |             |           |
| Cash flow       |         |            |           |             |           |
| hedges:         |         |            |           |             |           |
| gains and       |         |            |       115 |             |       115 |
| losses   taken  |         |            |           |             |           |
| to equity       |         |            |           |             |           |
| Translation     |         |            |      -143 |             |      -143 |
| difference      |         |            |           |             |           |
| Profit for the  |         |     10,848 |    10,848 |           6 |    10,854 |
| period          |         |            |           |             |           |
| Total           |       - |     10,848 |    10,820 |           6 |    10,826 |
| recognized      |         |            |           |             |           |
| income and      |         |            |           |             |           |
| expense for the |         |            |           |             |           |
| period          |         |            |           |             |           |
| Dividends       |         |     -5,332 |    -5,332 |         -34 |    -5,367 |
| Acquisition of  |    -792 |            |      -792 |             |      -792 |
| Corporation's   |         |            |           |             |           |
| own shares      |         |            |           |             |           |
| Transfer of     |     365 |       -365 |         - |             |         - |
| treasury shares |         |            |           |             |           |
| Share-based     |         |        717 |       717 |             |       717 |
| compensation    |         |            |           |             |           |
| Equity at 31    |    -427 |     43,686 |    52,031 |         116 |    52,147 |
| Dec 2007        |         |            |           |             |           |

| Consolidated statement of changes in equity        |            |            |
| Equity attributable to equity holders  |           |            |            |
| of the parent company                  |           |            |            |
| EUR 1,000       |   Share |      Other | Translati | Fair value |            |
|                 | capital |   reserves |       on  |    reserve |            |
|                 |         |            | differenc |            |            |
|                 |         |            |        es |            |            |
| Equity at 31    |   2,141 |      7,368 |      -817 |         78 |            |
| Dec 2007        |         |            |           |            |            |
| Cash flow       |         |            |           |            |            |
| hedges:         |         |            |           |            |            |
| gains and       |         |            |           |          6 |            |
| losses          |         |            |           |            |            |
| taken to equity |         |            |           |            |            |
| Translation     |         |            |    -1,683 |            |            |
| difference      |         |            |           |            |            |
| Profit for the  |         |            |           |            |            |
| period          |         |            |           |            |            |
| Total           |       - |          - |    -1,683 |          6 |            |
| recognized      |         |            |           |            |            |
| income and      |         |            |           |            |            |
| expense for the |         |            |           |            |            |
| period          |         |            |           |            |            |
| Dividends       |         |            |           |            |            |
| Transfer of     |         |         65 |           |            |            |
| treasury shares |         |            |           |            |            |
| Share-based     |         |            |           |            |            |
| compensation    |         |            |           |            |            |
| Change in group |         |            |           |            |            |
| structure1)     |         |            |           |            |            |
| Equity at 31    |   2,141 |      7,433 |    -2,500 |         85 |            |
| Dec 2008        |         |            |           |            |            |
|                 |         |            |           |   Minority |     Equity |
|                 |         |            |           |   interest |      total |
| EUR 1,000       | Treasur |   Retained |     Total |            |            |
|                 |       y |   earnings |           |            |            |
|                 |  shares |            |           |            |            |
| Equity at 31    |    -427 |     43,686 |    52,031 |        116 |     52,147 |
| Dec 2007        |         |            |           |            |            |
| Cash flow       |         |            |           |            |            |
| hedges:         |         |            |           |            |            |
| gains and       |         |            |         6 |            |          6 |
| losses   taken  |         |            |           |            |            |
| to equity       |         |            |           |            |            |
| Translation     |         |            |    -1,683 |            |     -1,683 |
| difference      |         |            |           |            |            |
| Profit for the  |         |      6,625 |     6,625 |          - |      6,625 |
| period          |         |            |           |            |            |
| Total           |       - |      6,625 |     4,948 |          - |      4,948 |
| recognized      |         |            |           |            |            |
| income and      |         |            |           |            |            |
| expense for the |         |            |           |            |            |
| period          |         |            |           |            |            |
| Dividends       |         |     -6,415 |    -6,415 |          - |     -6,415 |
| Transfer of     |     302 |       -302 |        65 |            |         65 |
| treasury shares |         |            |           |            |            |
| Share-based     |         |        947 |       947 |            |        947 |
| compensation    |         |            |           |            |            |
| Change in group |         |            |           |       -116 |       -116 |
| structure1)     |         |            |           |            |            |
| Equity at 31    |    -125 |     44,541 |    51,576 |          - |     51,576 |
| Dec 2008        |         |            |           |            |            |

1) The shares of Business Tools Oy transferred to Comptel Corporation's direct  
holding and liquidation of Probatus Oy                                          


1. Changes in accounting principles                                             

To meet the requirements of IAS 38, Comptel has modified its accounting         
principles for the capitalisation of development costs and of costs related to  
internal projects. A share of the fixed costs defined separately, is included in
the cost of development and internal projects to which they are related. The    
impact of the change in accounting principles was 457 thousand euro in 2008.    
2. Net sales and operating profit by segment                                    

Net sales by segment                                                            

| EUR 1,000          |  1 Jan - 31 |  1 Jan - 31 |   1 Oct - 31 |   1 Oct - 31 |
|                    |    Dec 2008 |    Dec 2007 |     Dec 2008 |     Dec 2007 |
| Europe             |      40,768 |      48,481 |        9,771 |       12,587 |
| Middle East and    |      15,279 |       9,791 |        5,047 |        2,872 |
| Africa             |             |             |              |              |
| Americas           |       7,941 |       7,250 |        2,436 |        1,839 |
| Asia-Pacific       |      20,861 |      16,878 |        5,907 |        6,734 |
| Total              |      84,849 |      82,399 |       23,161 |       24,032 |

Operating profit by segment                                                     

| EUR 1,000          |  1 Jan - 31 |  1 Jan - 31 |   1 Oct - 31 |   1 Oct - 31 |
|                    |    Dec 2008 |    Dec 2007 |     Dec 2008 |     Dec 2007 |
| Europe             |      20,898 |      28,286 |        3,317 |        7,082 |
| Middle East and    |       8,946 |       5,713 |        3,148 |        1,676 |
| Africa             |             |             |              |              |
| Americas           |       4,219 |       3,922 |        1,312 |          693 |
| Asia-Pacific       |       9,348 |       9,529 |        1,262 |        4,461 |
| Group unallocated  |     -32,028 |     -30,933 |       -6,181 |       -6,404 |
| expenses           |             |             |              |              |
| Total              |      11,383 |      16,518 |        2,858 |        7,509 |

3. Business combinations                                                        

On 21 April 2008, Comptel Corporation acquired all the shares of Axiom Systems  
Holdings Limited. UK-based Axiom Systems is specialised in the broadband        
fulfillment market. The acquisition puts Comptel in a strong position to        
capitalize on the growing investments being made by service providers in new    
IP-based services, like VoIP and IPTV.                                          

The purchase price of GBP 7.0 million (EUR 8.9 million) was paid in cash. In    
accordance with the agreement, no additional purchase price will be paid since  
the net sales of Axiom Systems were below EUR 13.5 million in 2008. As at the   
time of acquisition it was not possible to measure the additional purchase price
reliably, it was not included in the calculation of the goodwill.               

The actual purchase price of EUR 8.9 million, costs directly attributable to the
acquisition are EUR 0.7 million and the fair value of allocations to the        
identifiable net assets is EUR 3.0, therefore the goodwill according to IFRS 3  
is EUR 9.7 million. EUR 3.0 million was allocated to intangible assets, which   
are amortised over 5 years.                                                     

The goodwill is attributable to the synergies expected to arise subsequent to   
the acquisition. The acquisition is in line with Comptel's long-term growth     
strategy to become world's leading supplier of telecom software. According to   
the Comptel management, the goodwill is mainly based on the fact that Axiom's   
solutions for IP services will complement Comptel's existing portfolio, the     
common sales network will enable cross selling to Axiom's and Comptel's         
customers, and the combined R&D will strengthen the operations. The             
professionally skilled workforce is also part of the goodwill.                  

Axiom Group's loss for the period 21 April to 31 December 2008, EUR 1.3 million,
is included in the Comptel Group result. Comptel Group net sales for January -  
December would have been EUR 87.5 million and profit EUR 5.7 million if Axiom   
had been consolidated from the beginning of the year 2008.                      

The values of the assets and liabilities arising from the acquisition were as   

| EUR 1,000               |  Recognised fair values | Pre-acquisition carrying |
|                         |          on acquisition |                  amounts |
| Technology (incl. in    |                   3,001 |                        - |
| intangible assets)      |                         |                          |
| Machinery and equipment |                     289 |                      289 |
| Deferred tax assets     |                     233 |                      233 |
| Trade receivables and   |                   4,246 |                    4,246 |
| other receivables       |                         |                          |
| Cash and cash           |                     124 |                      124 |
| equivalents             |                         |                          |
| Total assets            |                   7,894 |                    4,892 |
| Deferred tax            |                     901 |                        - |
| liabilities             |                         |                          |
| Other non-interest      |                   7,195 |                    7,195 |
| bearing liabilities     |                         |                          |
| Interest bearing        |                      89 |                       89 |
| liabilities             |                         |                          |
| Total liabilities       |                   8,184 |                    7,284 |
| Net assets              |                    -291 |                   -2,392 |
| Acquisition cost        |                   9,457 |                          |
| Goodwill                |                   9,748 |                          |
| Purchase price paid in  |                   9,457 |                          |
| cash                    |                         |                          |
| Cash and cash           |                    -124 |                          |
| equivalents in acquired |                         |                          |
| subsidiary              |                         |                          |
| Total net cash outflow  |                   9,333 |                          |
| on the acquisition      |                         |                          |

The goodwill calculation is in GBP, so the goodwill will change according to the
exchange rates. On 31 December 2008, the goodwill was EUR 8.2 million.          

4. Income tax expense                                                           

Tax rate according to the income statement for the period was 37.5% (33.8%).    
The tax rate is quite high due to double taxation. In 2006 Adjustment of the Tax
Office for Major Corporations refused to accept the crediting of taxes withheld 
at source in taxation of 2004 and 2005. The issue has been transferred to the   
Ministry of Finance.                                                            

The Ministry of Finance has now come to an agreement with Greece, Malaysia and  
Romania. Relating to these countries, Comptel has booked EUR 0.7 million tax    
receivables. For other countries the issue of double taxation remains to be     
decided by the Ministry of Finance. Comptel believes the treatment of its       
withholding taxation will be changed.                                           

According to the Board of Adjustment's decision currently in force, Comptel     
Corporation has expensed taxes withheld at source amounting to EUR 1,499        
thousand in January - December                                                  
(EUR 1,098 thousand).                                                           

5. Tangible assets                                                              

| EUR 1,000                                |  1 Jan - 31 Dec |  1 Jan - 31 Dec |
|                                          |            2008 |            2007 |
| Additions                                |           1,351 |           1,460 |
| Business combinations                    |             289 |               - |
| Disposals                                |              -9 |             -36 |

6. Related party transactions                                                   

The Comptel Group has a related party relationship with its associates, the     
Board of Directors, CEO, deputy CEO, the members of the Executive Board and also
with people and companies under Comptel management's influence.                 

Transactions, which have been entered into with related parties are as follows: 

| EUR 1,000                                |  1 Jan - 31 Dec |   1 Jan - 31Dec |
|                                          |            2008 |            2007 |
| Associates                               |                 |                 |
| Purchases of goods and services          |           1,318 |           2,515 |
| Interest income                          |              11 |              29 |
| Companies under management's influence   |                 |                 |
| Purchases of goods and services          |              28 |              65 |

| EUR 1,000                                  |   31 Dec 2008 |     31 Dec 2007 |
| Associates                                 |               |                 |
| Trade and other current receivables        |           191 |             179 |
| Trade and other current liabilities        |           197 |             416 |
| Companies under management's influence     |               |                 |
| Trade and other current liabilities        |             1 |               7 |

Remuneration to key management                                                  

The key management personnel compensation includes the employee benefits of the 
CEO, deputy CEO, the members and deputy members of the Board of Directors and   
the members of the Executive Board.                                             

| EUR 1,000                                 | 1 Jan - 31 Dec |  1 Jan - 31 Dec |
|                                           |           2008 |            2007 |
| Salaries and other short-term employee    |          1,854 |           1,605 |
| benefits                                  |                |                 |
| Share-based payments                      |            415 |             552 |
| Total                                     |          2,268 |           2,157 |

7. Commitments                                                                  

Minimum lease payments on non-cancellable office facilities and other operating 
leases are payable as follows:                                                  

| EUR 1,000                                  |    31 Dec 2008 |    31 Dec 2007 |
| Less than one year                         |          4,234 |          3,411 |
| Between one and five years                 |         12,136 |         11,560 |
| More than five years                       |          3,282 |          4,595 |
| Total                                      |         19,652 |         19,567 |

The group has no material capital commitments for the purchase of tangible      
assets as at 31 December 2008.                                                  

8. Contingent liabilities                                                       

| EUR 1,000                                 |    31 Dec 2008 |     31 Dec 2007 |
| Bank guarantees                           |          1,047 |           1,132 |

9. Subsequent Events                                                            

Comptel developed further its organisational structure in January 2009 by       
combining the European sales and customer service units and by establishing a   
unit concentrating on Alliances and Sales Development and a unit for Strategic  
Marketing. The new organisation accomplishes the organisational change          
implemented in the beginning of 2008, which improved business management close  
to customers and combined the product units.                                    

Starting from the beginning of 2009, the Group Executives are Mr. Sami Erviö,   
President and CEO, the business area leaders Mr. Harri Palviainen (Europe), Mr. 
Youssef Kermoury (Middle East and Africa), Mr. Mika Korpinen (Asia-Pacific) and 
Mr. Ricardo Carreon (Americas), Mr. Minesh Patel responsible for Alliances and  
Sales Development, Ms. Arnhild Schia responsible for Strategic Marketing, Mr.   
Simo Sääskilahti responsible for Products and Solutions, Mr. Gareth Senior, CTO,
Mr. Veli Matti Salmenkylä, CFO responsible for Administration, Ms. Niina        
Pesonen, responsible for Human Resources, and Mr. Markku Järvenpää responsible  
for Global Operations Support.                                                  

In January-February 2009, Comptel was engaged in personnel negotiations. As a   
result of these negotiations the company decided to make 45 people redundant on 
financial and production grounds. Comptel Corporation's subsidiaries in Norway  
and United Kingdom also took actions to downsize the amount of personnel under  
the local legal requirements and collective agreements. The annual cost         
reduction expected is EUR 2.3 million in Norway. In the United Kingdom, the     
actions taken will lead to annual cost savings of EUR 1.0 million. With these   
measures the Group will reach annual cost savings of approximately EUR 7 million
out of which EUR 2 million are estimated to be realised in 2009. By reducing    
costs and renewing the organisation Comptel aims to ensure the Group's long-term
profitability and competitiveness.                                              

In January 2009, the Board of Directors of Comptel Corporation approved a new   
share-based incentive plan for the key personnel of Comptel Group. The aim of   
the plan is to combine the objectives of the shareholders and the key personnel 
in order to increase the value of the company, to commit the key personnel to   
the company, and to offer them a competitive reward plan based on holding the   
company shares.                                                                 

10. Key figures                                                                 

| Financial summary                     |    1 Jan - 31 Dec |  1 Jan - 31 Dec  |
|                                       |              2008 |             2007 |
| Net sales, EUR 1,000                  |            84,849 |           82,399 |
|      Net sales, change %              |               3.0 |              2.4 |
| Operating profit, EUR 1,000           |            11,383 |           16,518 |
|      Operating profit, change %       |             -31.1 |             47.1 |
|   Operating profit, as % of net sales |              13.4 |             20.0 |
| Profit before taxes, EUR 1,000        |            10,597 |           16,396 |
| Profit before taxes, as % of net      |              12.5 |             19.9 |
| sales                                 |                   |                  |
| Return on equity, %                   |              12.8 |             21.9 |
| Return on investment, %               |              19.1 |             32.9 |
| Equity ratio, % 1)                    |              67.4 |             77.6 |
| Gross investments in tangible and     |            10,919 |            1,908 |
| intangible assets, EUR 1,000 2)       |                   |                  |
| Gross investments in tangible and     |              12.9 |              2.3 |
| intangible assets, as % of net sales  |                   |                  |
| Capitalisations according to IAS 38   |             4,566 |            2,921 |
| to intangible assets                  |                   |                  |
| Research and development expenditure, |            14,007 |           10,333 |
| EUR 1,000                             |                   |                  |
| Research and development expenditure, |              16.5 |             12.5 |
| as % of net sales                     |                   |                  |
| Order backlog, EUR 1,000 3)           |            38,846 |           35,051 |
| Average number of employees during    |               606 |              555 |
| the period                            |                   |                  |
| Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR |            -1,083 |          -14,708 |
| 1,000                                 |                   |                  |
| Gearing ratio, %                      |              -2.1 |            -28.2 |
| 1) When calculating the equity ratio for 2007, those deferred income items   |
| recognised on the basis of the percentage of completion method as well as    |
| deferred income arising from sales accruals were accounted for as advances   |
| received.                                                                    |
| 2)  Includes acquisition of Axiom Systems in 2008. Gross investments         |
| excluding the acquisition were EUR 1,461 thousand which amount to 1.7        |
| percent of net sales.                                                        |
| 3) The order book may vary significantly during the financial period.        |

| Per share data                           |  1 Jan - 31 Dec |  1 Jan - 31 Dec |
|                                          |            2008 |            2007 |
| Earnings per share (EPS), EUR            |            0.06 |            0.10 |
| EPS diluted, EUR                         |            0.06 |            0.10 |
| Equity per share, EUR                    |            0.48 |            0.49 |
| Dividend per share, EUR 4)               |            0.04 |            0.06 |
| Dividend per earnings, % 4)              |            64.6 |            59.1 |
| Effective dividend yield, % 4)           |             5.8 |             4.2 |
| P/E ratio                                |            11.1 |            14.0 |
| Adjusted number of shares at the end of  |     107,054,810 |     107,054,810 |
| the period                               |                 |                 |
| - of which the number of treasury shares |          92,654 |         240,341 |
| Outstanding shares                       |     106,962,156 |     106,814,469 |
| Adjusted average number of shares during |     106,938,539 |     106,848,199 |
| the period                               |                 |                 |
| Average number of shares, dilution       |     106,938,539 |     106,848,199 |
| included                                 |                 |                 |
| 4) The Board's proposal                                                      |

11. Definition of key figures                                                   

| Operating margin %        | = | Operating profit/loss              | x 100   |
|                           |   | Net sales                          |         |
| Profit margin (before     | = | Profit/loss before taxes           | x 100   |
| income taxes) %           |   |                                    |         |
|                           |   | Net sales                          |         |
| Return on equity % (ROE)  | = | Profit/loss                        | x 100   |
|                           |   | Shareholders' equity (average      |         |
|                           |   | during year)                       |         |
| Return on investment %    | = | Profit/loss before taxes +         | x 100   |
| (ROI)                     |   | financial expenses                 |         |
|                           |   | Shareholders' equity + interest    |         |
|                           |   | bearing liabilities                |         |
|                           |   | (average during the year)          |         |
| Equity ratio %            | = | Shareholders' equity               | x 100   |
|                           |   | Balance sheet total - advances     |         |
|                           |   | received                           |         |
| Gross investments in      | = | Gross investments in tangible and  | x 100   |
| tangible and intangible   |   | intangible assets                  |         |
| assets, as %  of net      |   |                                    |         |
| sales                     |   |                                    |         |
|                           |   | Net sales                          |         |
| Research and development  | = | Research and development           | x 100   |
| expenditure, as % of net  |   | expenditure                        |         |
| sales                     |   |                                    |         |
|                           |   | Net sales                          |         |
| Gearing ratio %           | = | Interest-bearing liabilities -     | x 100   |
|                           |   | cash and cash equivalents          |         |
|                           |   | Shareholders' equity               |         |
| Earnings per share (EPS)  | = | Net profit for the financial year  |         |
|                           |   | attributable to equity             |         |
|                           |   | shareholders                       |         |
|                           |   | Average number of outstanding      |         |
|                           |   | shares for the financial year      |         |
| Equity per share          | = | Equity attributable to the equity  |         |
|                           |   | holders of the parent company      |         |
|                           |   | Adjusted number of outstanding     |         |
|                           |   | shares at balance sheet date       |         |
| Dividend per share        | = | Dividend                           |         |
|                           |   | Adjusted number of outstanding     |         |
|                           |   | shares at balance sheet date       |         |
| Dividend per earnings %   | = | Dividend per share                 | x 100   |
|                           |   | Earnings per share (EPS)           |         |
| Effective dividend yield  | = | Dividend per share                 | x 100   |
| %                         |   |                                    |         |
|                           |   | Share closing price at balance     |         |
|                           |   | sheet date                         |         |
| P/E ratio                 | = | Share closing price at balance     |         |
|                           |   | sheet date                         |         |
|                           |   | Earnings per share (EPS)           |         |

COMPTEL CORPORATION                                                             
Board of Directors                                                              

Additional information:                                                         
Mr. Sami Erviö, President and CEO, tel. +358 9 700 1131                         
Mr. Veli Matti Salmenkylä, CFO, tel. +358 50 2813                               
Mr. Samppa Seppälä, Director, IR and Corporate Communications, tel. +358 50 568 

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