The Council of Parex banka accept the cost optimization by 35%

On Thursday, 12 February 2009, the Council of Parex banka accepted the proposal
of the Bank's Management Board to optimize the total administrative costs by
35% in 2009. The Council was also informed on performed cost optimization by
the Bank reaching 2.4 million lats in January 2009. 

It is expected that the total administrative expenses of the Bank will be cut
by 35%, including 30% reduction of personnel expenses, 31% - of phone
communications and 67% reduction of transport expenses. The largest savings are
planned on reducing costs by 80% on consultations, researches and surveys, and
by 93% for business trips. 

The Council of Parex banka reviewed the information on the financial situation
of the Bank and the proposals for elimination of the shortcomings identified in
due diligence report by PricewaterhouseCoopers. During the meeting the Council
approved the risk management policy of the Bank, considered the current status
of negotiations with syndicated lenders, as well as reviewed other issues. 
About Parex banka:
Being founded in 1992, Parex banka offers universal banking services throughout
the Baltic region, the CIS and other European countries such as Germany,
Switzerland and Sweden. Parex Group companies operate across the banking,
finance, leasing, asset management and life insurance sectors. Parex banka is
the only partner of American Express in Latvia and Lithuania, allowed to issue
American Express credit cards. Since 05 December 2008 the State owned Mortgage
and Land Bank of Latvia is the majority shareholder of Parex banka. 

Additional information:
Indra Zinkevica
Head of Corporate Communications and PR
Parex banka
Phone: +371 67778571